August 07, 2013

Expect Delays

Sigh....well the inevitable infact did happen.

She was granted a continuance until October 2nd.

Reasons cited on ex-parte submission by her attorney: 1) Witness lists not exchanged 2) Trial briefs not prepared 3) Exhibit lists not exchanged 4) Income and expense declarations not exchanged.

My lawyers translation: They aren't prepared and are stalling.

We were ready.  I have all my documents submitted, in order, i's dotted, t's crossed. 

Apparently they don't.......and thus the judge granted them 2 months.

My lawyers second translation: They hope to negotiate further thinking I would cave.

I will not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( Sorry to hear... shame the judge didn't recognize that they've had plenty of time to get ready... sigh.