February 21, 2013

7 Cardinal Rules

A friend of mine posted this to their Facebook page, and I'm re-posting it here. 

I must have read this a dozen times already today, and each time it seems to affect me in deeper way.  All of these 'rules' ring truth on some level to each of us.  At least I'd like to think that everyone can identify to a certain extent on each one of these and how they might apply to our own lives.

I'm also going to admit to you it made me tear up slightly as well.  And don't think I haven't noticed how various topics can set me into an emotional tailspin as of late either.  This week in general I have noticed I've been abit moodier in general.  I've been quick to get frustrated, quick to snap at people, quick to make judgment, etc.

So taking these one by one:
  1. I'm having an unusually hard time making peace with my past. I think because I truly believe that I haven't been able to have 'my' say to my inlaws, my ex, the friends and neighbors who passed judgement on me without knowing the truth.  In my selfish way, I feel wronged, and I can't see a rational way to correct the perceptions leveled against me, the majority of which are just untrue.
  2. Because I do value my friendships and relationships, this has also been a hard one to swallow.  Not that I want it to be my business, but again, I don't like the fact people have based their perceptions and severed ties with me based on falsehoods about my character.
  3. Ahhh, the cliche of all cliche's.  Not sure if I believe this anymore, at least as it applies to me.  I see that it has a direct connection to the previous 2 rules.
  4. Hard to do.  Especially when I know I work hard, pray hard, take my time in making decisions and try my best to alleviate any obstructions or sources of conflict.  Namely what most of us say "That's not fair."  No it isn't.  It never will be.  Need to accept that, not necessary that I 'understand' it, however.
  5. Have you read my blog?  My mind is my own worst enemy.  If I could turn my thought off, the majority of all these other rules may not even factor in.
  6. Well, I may think God is in charge, but I understand the intent behind this.  As in #5, my mind is my own worst enemy and I allow this to rule my state of happiness....which in case if you have't figured out by now is pretty damn vacant.
  7. I couldn't imagine 'owning' all the problems of the world, nor do I want to, nor do I think I do.  I worry about my own problems, but I think (there I go with that thinking again) that the majority of my problems would not be so if certain people lived in reality and stopped putting themselves first.  And as I type that, and read it, it comes across very arrogant and selfish on my behalf.  I don't claim to have all the answers, nor do I think I am always right or have the best way...but I do have a hard time grasping the fact that others willing drop the ball, throw in the towel, give up, lie and cheat when it others peoples feelings and emotions are in play.

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