December 18, 2012

'Tis not the season

I've been super stressed out the last two plus weeks.

The days just sort of blend into each other right now, and there isn't much to be joyous about.  I coudl literally sit here for hours and unload upon various topics.  Probably one of the reasons why I haven't posted in a few days.....there are so many topics I want to 'express' or 'vent', and I just don't know where to begin.

First and foremost is the recent massacre in CT in regards to the 20 toddlers and 6 adults.  As a conservative, I don't know why I am surprised...I expected the backlash from the left on gun control, but I have kept relatively quiet on it.  Personally, I don't think it is a "gun" issue...that's my don't have to like it, or agree with it, but I think it's a "sick" person issue.  There have been so many Memes and posters on the web from celebrities and the left showing statistics on how many people are subject to gun violence here in the states...and I will staggering.

But it's easy to point at the guns.  They are tangible objects, and the weapons that are used.  However, I think it's our nations morale decay and acceptance of everything these days.  And more importantly the increasing rejection of God in our day-to-day lives.  What many of these 'cute' Memes and posters fail to point out is that Mexico has had a ban on guns for years...and they are one of the highest ranked violent countries with thosuands dying every year from guns...So I ask...How is that ban working out for them?  It's also no surprise to me that gun critics pick and choose statistics that fit their agenda, and blatantly biased.

Did you know Israel arms many of their teachers?  Most teachers are trained and carry weapons in plain sight over there, and when was the last time your heard about a school shooting over in Israel?  Probably never.

Personally I don't own gun.  I really don't.  It just seems expensive, and a 'possible' threat in my I don't own one.  I will also say as a conservative, that I do not understand the need for assault rifles and military grade machine guns in our country.  If I were to change any of the laws here, it would be a ban on those guns such as M-16s, or AK-47s.  But theoretically, they are already tough to get....except if you are a bad guy.  Just ask any gang member in any inner-city, or Mexican drug cartel person, or doomsday prepper.  There's a saying: "When there's a will, there's a way." those individuals who want those guns, will eventually get them...And if they don't....well other things kill people just as easily.  Just ask Timothy McVeigh...Using fertilizer, and a rented van, he killed many people in Oklahoma just as easily...without a gun.  Oh, and the same government that is up in a tizzy about this, is the same adminsitration that 'lost' even worse guns during the ongoing "Fast & Furious" debacle and let them fall into the hands of south of the border cartels.

So again, I'm not sure if it's about guns.

It's about people with nothing else to lose in life.  Who are mentally checked out. Where time and time again, the warning signs were there, but society shunned them.  They felt rejected from family, friends, work.  They didn't fit in.  And if they didn't fit in, why did no one take note and try to offer them love or a helping hand?

Because we are slowly....but surely...turning into a society who has turned their backs on religion.  Various groups mock any religion.  And with the mocking comes the laws.  Remove the 10 commandments from the schools and courtrooms.  Remove the crosses from the cemetaries.  Remove the nativity scenes from the downtown square.  Remove the word "Christmas" and replace it with "Holiday".  No one should be offended, so lets remove everything our fore-fathers fought for, and our Military defends.  No more Pledge of Alleigance in class.  No more church clubs on campus...we need to make way for gay clubs, transgender clubs, pass out condoms, etc. may have thought (or are thinking) I have lost my own mind.  But take a few minutes and look around.  Do you make an effort to greet your neighbors everyday, or are you on your cell phone?  Do you read to your kids at night and play family cames with them, or do you give them a Nintendo 3DS and ship them off to a quiet place in the house?  Do you take your kids to church, even if you don't believe yoruself, or do you tell them it fairy tales and those showing compassion from the Good Book are crackpots?  Do you stand up to your city council when they threaten to take away the Christmas trees, the minoras, the crosses, or are your watching Housewives of New Jersey or Honey Boo-Boo.

We are increasingly becoming more and more detached from one another.

Ask yourself, was our society different 20, 20, 50 years ago?  Do kids curse more today than they did when your parents were that age?  Was there that many drugs and sexually transmitted diseases?  Were their noses buried in Twitter and Facebook, or did they actually talk to people...face-to-face?

Was politics, either left or right so ingrained in everything we do?  Sure people will always have strong opinions...but they weren't always so laced with profanity, threats, and lack of manners. 

I really feel for the families.  I do.  I pray for them.  I don't wish that on anyone.  I do believe these 20 children are with God right now...and I'd like to think they will be eternally happy and joyish, even if their lives were cut short here...but this world is corrupt...and just is getting more disgusting by the day.

I think it's ironic that all the news anchors, pundits, politicians all start off by saying "Our prayers are with the American people tonight."  Aren't these the same people who otherwise nightly want religion out of our daily lives...that pesky Jesus and God and those commandments out of public view.  But when bad stuff happens, we ask "Where was God in this?" 

I ask..."Where were you when God tried calling you?"

I don't think God left us.....we chose as a country, to leave Him.

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