October 11, 2012

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Oct 7-13

I meant to bring this to everyones attention yesterday, but I simply forgot.

As someone who grew up not believing in a lot of mental health conditions except the obvious ones that troubled people displayed, I didn't think about it much.  I honestly thought that a lot of things were 'made up' or 'convienent excuses' to get out of a jam or shirk responsibilities.

I even thought that ADD was a 'made-up' condition, because I never heard about it prior to the late 90's, and my parents and grandparents never heard of it either.  To me, it was more about lazy parents who weren't disciplining their children, using the TV as a surrogate parent, and too many sugary snacks, and inconsistent rules at home.  For the most part, I still think that way.

I really do believe it is a rampant excuse, all too easy to diagnose and write a prescription for.  Back in '02 or was it '03, I was feeling a little depressed and at the urging of some friends, I went to see a clinical shrink.  Mind you, I've never been to one before and never had met this person before either.  We had a sit down talk that lasted all of 15 minutes, and at the end he 'diagnosed' me with ADD.

What?  I was in my early 30's then, and some quack who just met me 20 minutes prior was ready to put me on medication.  That's why I'm not so sure about the 'inflated' numbers being touted around in this country for those with 'mental' challenges.

That being said, I do indeed believe there are people with issues, and should not be as easily dismissed as I once would have done.  While I do not believe I have ADD, I do believe that I suffer from bouts of depression.  And I know it can be debilitating no matter what a person looks like on the outside.

I'm a physically fit man, who watches his diet, doesn't smoke, never did drugs, comes from a loving family, and knows God.  But I have struggled with depression off and on for the greater part of the last 20 years.  It has affected my sleeping patterns, my mood, my appetite, my anxiety and more.  I've had outright panic attacks that have crippled me in public and made it hard to breath, wondering if I was suffering a mild heart attack or not.  I have been laughing one minute, only to curl up in a fetal position the next, crying uncontrollably.  I have day dreamed of running away, and I will admit to you I have often asked God (in the past) to take me while I'm asleep because I have felt inconsequential at times, and at others that this whole thing called 'life' was pointless. 

At those times, I longed to be in heaven because I was tired of my fellow human beings.  Tired of the never ending bad news.  Sick of broken hearts, broken promises, broken words, and the depravity of people.  I longed to be somewhere else where there are no more tears or emotional pain.  I still feel this at times, but not as strongly.

I take medication now.  And have been off and on for quiet some time.  It's a double edge, but necessary sword.  The pills can numb you, and you can tell, I won't lie.  But when off of them, the axe of depression can come down hard.

What am I trying to say today?

Well, that I have changed my view and perspective on these things, and I think it is important that if you feel any inkling, even the smallest itch that maybe something may not be jiving in your own life.....don't be afraid to check it out with a doctor or two.  Talk to someone. Do some research like I did.  Get involved in a group of some sort.  It doesn't have to be all touchy feely, and you don't have to feel ashamed or a pariah.  More people suffer from various types of mental illness than one could guess....we as a society have learned to hide it well, and bury those thoughts and feeling down....but at a cost:  It could be health issues (as I experienced), or unhealthy relationships, or constant mood swings.

You don't have to be missing a chromosome, have a birth defect, or be a survivor of a tragic head injury to have a degree of 'mental illness'.  The term is very broad, and God didn't create his perfect creation to suffer.  We suffer because we think our willpower and the ability to fix things is greater than Him.  Because this is a sinful world, corrupt, and has been dying since the days of Adam and Eve.  But take heart that it will be restored to its former glory one day sometime in the future where we will know no more tears as death will be conquered and sorrow will have no meaning.  Remember, this world is Satan's domain and it doesn't mean there's a guy with a pitchfork and union suit rubbing his hands and laughing at you.

No he accuses you, condemns you, tells you that you are weak and undeserving of health and happiness.  He plants the seeds of doubt, and spoils the fruit of your labors.  He takes your focus off the simple and joyful things of life and enjoys making things complicated to the point where you want to give up.  I know this first hand because I have lived it, and I am human.

What ever your belief system is, go get educated and informed...if not for yourself, then perhaps for a friend or a loved one who is silently suffering.  Check out this website: http://www.nami.org/

And try to take it one day at a time.  It's easy to say, much harder to do, as I often stumble in my own advice.


Anonymous said...

Well said...

Anonymous said...

Yes well said...Thank you for sharing!