November 23, 2010

Step-daughter and spirituality

I've noticed a disturbing trend developing under my roof as of late, and I didn't realize how bad it is/was until just a few minutes ago.

I try not to pry or 'spy' on my step daughter's life; in actuality I look forward to the day she moves out of my house and I can reclaim a little piece of additional peace and quiet back in my home.

She'll be 19 in a few months, and fiercely independant and very opinionated, sometimes angry at the world. That's why I hope and pray this is just a stage or phase she is going through like many youth before her, but since I didn't go through this stage myself, I cannot relate.

I came across some of her recent Facebook postings, and while not yet proclaiming to be an atheist, much of her subject matter has an anti-religion slant in general. I can't help but notice either that many of her 'online' friends she surrounds herslef are infact very vocal about there being no God, that religion does more harm than good, that all Christians and all denominations are sheep, and we have no brains for ourselves.

I'm very bothered by this. It both saddens me very deeply and also angers me at the same time. I cannot force religion down her throat, and apparantly all the best Godly advice I've ever given her and examples fo myself going to church has had no affect.

This is the last thing I want to get into her with, or bring to her mothers attention (my wife is a believer, but doesn't go to church herself), but needless to say I'm very concerned this is happening and this attitude prevails under my roof. Granted, I'm not the ideal Christian myself, but I can't help but feel I have failed somwhere in here and she is exposed and reinforced by wordly and secular viewpoints that all just seem so bitter and angry.

If you're a believer will you pray for my step-daughter for a change (instead of me) soften her heart and let the Holy Spirit minsister to her when the time is right?

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