November 22, 2010

Short week

Not everything is always gloomy in my life.

I was thinking about the tone here the last couple of entries and it does seem to skew to the negative side of things. But I can't possibly have a bad day everyday can i? No, as a matter of fact there are bright moments as well.

I may not have all the money I'd like to have to alleviate some burdens, I may no longer have the very athletic body I once did, may not have the perfect marriage, or job, or temperment, or solid Christian faith I desire to have, but I do have good times.

This past Saturday as it poured rain outside, I was able to play my Xbox game and had a blast. I've been enjoying reading both a crime novel and a biography on model railroading (a passion I recently discovered the last 2 years). I enjoy good food, and I really do have some great friends. I don't say that often enough. I had a few hours with a few of this weekend. One took me to lunch on Sunday, another took me to lunch on Friday, and yet another invited me over Saturday night to hang out and it was good quality time.

Then there's my dog. I love him so much, and even after 5 years he still can play like a puppy and be as silly and entertaining as ever. I love when he snuggles up to me on a cold night, or sits on my lap in the morning as I have a cup of coffee. As I sit and type this entry I am looking at a picture of my little guy standing on his hind legs, staring out my bedroom window intently, watching the world go by in his eyes. He won't be here forever....his time with me is statistically 1/3rd over and I just wish I could spend even more time with him. He has taught me so much patience and love.

I enjoying discovering new eateries with good company, and I love me a good BBQ.

I enjoy that the Holiday's are here, even though this years Christmas won't be about presents. I'm actually looking forward to going to my sister-in-laws house for a meal I don't have to cook, and I enjoy both my parents and my in-laws....for real.

I look forward to when our company shuts down for 10 straight days and I'll be home enjoying building a model, playing a game, going to the gym, eating what I want, and reading my books.

Just wanted to share some positive stuff for once.

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