August 03, 2010

One foot in front of the other

It's a sunny Tuesday afternoon here and the day just got a bit slow. Overall, my work has been slow now for almost 2 weeks, and I'm doing the best to stretch my projects out as best I can to try and occupy my time.

For the most part I had a pretty decent weekend, that is until my step-daughter and wife got into it yet again for something stupid and trivial. I dislike when they get into arguments, because more times than not, it is generally over the most mundane of topics. In this case they got into an argument over the working of a service warranty of an Apple iTouch. An iTouch that neither of them own, bought, or broke, and for some reason they thought a party in front of 15 neighbors was the appropriate place to have this spirited discussion.

Talk about awkward. My neighbors looked at me, and I kinda just shrugged my shoulders. "What am I gonna do? If they want to make asses of themselves in public, let them." Yeah, I'm not getting involved in something so asinine and inject myself into this. Talk about wasted energy. I don't want to sound aloof and uncaring, but it was so ridiculous I didn't want to tocuh it with the proverbial 10 foot poll. No, I'm not letting this ruin my weekend. I'm trying to pick my battles wisely these day.

Friday night was very low key. I stayed home and watched a few movies. Heh...I've officially become my parents....who would have guessed I would stay home on a Friday night and feel content to watch TV and go to bed at an early hour?

Saturday I weet ahead and smoked a brisket for 6.5 hours and finished it off in the oven. It turned out great, or at least a few of my friends and neighbors thought so. The traditional bbq went off without a hitch, although the smoking itself was much more involved and tiring than I initially thought it woulld be. I wanted to go to the gym, but in the end I didn't.

Sunday was a day of sleeping in (a rarity for me), then some early morning cleaning, followed by working on one of my train models for a good portion of the day. It was fairly relaxing, for the most part, but in the back of my head I knew the floor could be cleaner, but I was too lazy to mop. Again, I wanted to go the the gym, but was just lazy.

My primary reason for me wanting to go to the gym is for health and to drop a few pounds. I'm supposed to be in a wedding in about 2.5 months from now and would really would like to drop between 10-15 lbs. I think I can do it if I 'man' up and stick to my guns. That being said, it's about self control, smaller portions, less carbs, and curbing my social drinking. Might not sound like much, but it's been 3 days since I had a drink. I know that sounds a little strange, but today I am craving a lo-ball tumbler of good whisky over rocks. I like to sip whisky on occassion, and the feeling is a bit stronger than usual today.

Also, I've been a bit sore lately....and not the type of sore from being active, but the sore or achey feelings of not being active. I need to get the old blood pumping, to stretch a bit, to take in some deep breaths, to sweat it out and feel the testosterone and endorphins pumping through my muscles. I love that tight, swollen feeling of hard at work muscles. I'm gonna try for sure to hit the gym both days this weekend.

Next week, I may try and take a day off of work and go to the fair. Not sure if I actually will or not, but I've taking off a day at work at least once the past 3 years to spend a day at the fair with some of my friends. I hate to break tradition, but this year I'm on the fence. To put it bluntly, I'd like to go, but if I don't make it this big deal.

I started reading a new book: The Art of Racing in the Rain, a novel, by Garth Stein. Very touching. It's the world and family dynamics trying to be understood from the view point and narration of the family dog. (Please dear Lord, please I request that my own dog has a soul and I will be reunited with him someday in heaven. Is it weird to think/state that I love my dog that much?) Most of the time people can take a flying leap for all I care. No, dog is loyal and loving to the God intended them to be. Thank you Jesus for my my little guy. I wish I could love people in the same capacity, but they just disapoint me in the end.

Thank goodness this summer has been a bit cooler. One of our fans broke in our house last week, and I haven't had the need to replace it yet. It hasn't been hot enough, which is nice, because that means a lower electric bill from not running the AC.

Tonight I'm gonna grill some pork chops and some vegetables. A somewhat healthy dinner and I'm looking forward to it, although I'm not looking forward to going to the store after work.

Finally, yesterday....I had a very troublesome moment in regards to death again. Mainly my own. I was coming back from lunch, and then a thought popped into my head: I hope heart-attacks aren't painful. Yeah, I becoming convinced that is how God is going to take me home. A heart-attack induced by stress. At times I think my heart valves are already damaged, although I've never spoken to a doctor or had a cardiogram done. I just know the human body under great stress, heartache, fatigue, etc. can do damage to the heart muscle. I think I've worried enough the last 15 years to last a lifetime by now, so I can't help but think that a coroner would say my heart gave out. I'm just wouldn't suprise me, but it is disconcerting to say the least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like overall your gathering of friends was good... and as you've already figured out, you cannot control other peoples' behavior... for the better or the worse.

I've got bad & good news for you... I'm thinking heart attacks hurt - all the chest grabbing and pained faces they portray them with in films tells me so... BUT the good news is certainly if you have this as a health concern, you can talk to your Dr. about getting a physical, as well as a blood work up to check on all the pesky cholesterols etc. It's a good idea, especially if you are planning on kicking up your exercise and cutting back on calories... I know - it's not my place, but sometimes we need a little guidance, even if it comes from a someone we don't know... Wishing you good health!