July 28, 2010

Time keeps on ticking...

"Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. Wherever they go, they will find green pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness." (John 10:9-10)

I don't have much to say today. This passage has been on my mind since Sunday, and everytime I read it, I feel a brief moment of reassurance and confidence. I just wish that feeling would last throughout the days without me having to either re-read it or think about. It should be known and ingrained, but maybe that will take time.

Work has been painfully slow this last week. That never bodes well for a person like me that spends too much free time self-reflecting, over-analyzing, and worrying about everything.

If it weren't for the fact I feel the need to save my vacation time (for a possible cashout later this year to pay for taxes) I'd like to take a day off like today to do some 'me' time. 'Me' time would consist of working on one of my models at home, spend some time walking my dog, maybe play a video game, and maybe catch up on some streaming movies via Netflix I missed in the theater's.

Actually, I've been thinking about smoked brisket all morning. I may even visit a specialty deli after work today and pick me up a 5-6 lbs brisket. Maybe invite a few neighbors over or some friends for a first attempt at using my smoker. I've never smoked a brisket before nor have I used my smoker grill yet either, but I'll have to break it in soon.

As you can tell my mood is 'okay' to 'good' today for no particular reason I can think of.

And for those that are asking, at this time I am not on any medications right now, anti-depressant or otherwise. I'll be honest with you if and when I decide to go back on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a person's bank acct. isn't a particularly good reflection of just how "rich" they truly are... my impression of you is that you are "rich" with meaningful friends - I think a gathering of your friends and neighbors sounds like a wonderful thing!