July 27, 2010


That is how I describe my day today.

It was a little gloomy this morning, a marine layer socked into the foothills in which I live and seemed to make my bed that much cozier. My wife was kind enough not disturb me and allowed me to snooze until about 7:20 this morning. I could have easily slept more, but not because I've been feeling down and out the last few days, but because I was just that comfortable and just that cozy.

One of my two bosses took the day off and another employee in my department called in sick, and overall it's been a pretty uneventful and quiet day. A bit too quiet which makes the day seem to drag on a bit longer than I would generally like it to do, but sometimes its just like that.

Before I got out of bed this morning I made a conscious decision to pray to Jesus. Just a simple "Hey, it's just me and I'd really appreciate an emotional break today big guy.", and I can honestly say I feel 'okay' thus far (granted its only 3:30).

The downtime allowed me to make some calls earlier today and get a better rate on a credit card that should save me a decent chunk of interest over the next 15 months or so (which is good). I also had alone time at lunch and was able to finish a book I was reading: "Dogtown: tales of rescue, rehabilitaion, and redemption". It was a great book, although a tear jerker at times. It really wants me to get the courage to work at an animal shelter, if I wasn't so afraid of getting emotionally attached to every dog I may be taking care of. I'd love to do that with animals, I really do feel that is a calling to my spirit and I feel so much more at ease with animals, but my heart breaks when they are hurt and I have this feeling I may become a basket case afterwards.

I know I've already decided that the day I do write my will, a decent chunk of my estate (if thats what it is called) will be donated to an animal shelter.

I may meet a friend today after work, for about an hour to have some tacos. I'm still waiting for his call. If he doesn't call, its no big deal, I'll go home and start my own dinner and finish up the evening watching some TV, maybe start reading a new book even.

BTW: I want to thank 'Anonymous' whose been leaving comments the last few entries. I do appreciate it and know you mean well.


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