July 23, 2013

Who am I kidding?

It has been a rough 24 hours for me.

It was to be expected, I suppose, but I was hoping I wouldn't be as affected as I apparently am.

Yesterday afternoon, while I was at work (of course), my lawyer forwads me yet another letter from 'her' attorney stating she thinks she can get 'her' to let go of my dog and my collections, that is if I agree to all her other ridiculous demands...meaning maximum financial support and every appliance in the house.

It was a complete and utter waste of time and energy and finances that niether one of us has to throw out some 'random', half-hearted attempt to get me to either blink or settle.  If it was intended to rile me up, well then, mission accomplished.....but I can't let them know they got to me.

I know my attorney is obligated to share all correspondance her attorney sends him, at the cost of a quarter hour increments, but this non-offer cost us both.  I am so tempted (of course it/was my emotions) to fire off a response, but after speaking with my parents and then sleeping on it, I had to ask myself..."To what end?"

A response from me would cost me a quarter hour charge for him to read it, then an additional quarter hour charge for him to forward it to 'her' attorney, and then wait for yet another response.  So it would cost me 1 hour of attorney's fees and highly charged emotion, to get what in return?  I will assume we are at an impasse, and I will just have to wait, and make her guess my next move.  The thing is, I have no 'next' move....I just don't want to spend anymore money on correspondence that will get me nowhere for the next few weeks.

And without missing a beat, of course my lawyer send me three more documents to fill out and return ASAP.  Really?  Um, you guys realize that I work too during normal business hours and I just can't drop everything to fill out paperwork at a whim.  The thing that irks me is that I've already filled these same excat papers out before....twice...So why do I have to fill them out a third time?  Because my state has so much backlog in the system, that my previous filing are now 'obsolete' and I have to provide updated information every few months...at a cost to me...of course.  Sigh.  What a racket this is.  I'm not kidding.  They get you coming and going.

Oh, and he wants an additional 8 hours retainer fee for court costs, prior to court.  Okay, I'll just go out back and pluck a fresh branch off the money tree I have.  I have never been late on paying him, but it's usually been an hour here and an hour there.  Now I need to cough up 8 hours of pre-pay within two weeks.  Um, what part of when you took my case did you not understand that I am also paying some of my wife's bills as well. 

As I write this, I have court in 17 days.

If that isn't enough to pull my hair out, we've been extremely busy at work and very short handed.  I've had to pick up the slack in a few areas that aren't even mine, and people are so impatient.  I feel their pain, but if I am not aware of things because they aren't in my domain, I'm finding it hard to please people with little or no notice.  My phone hasn't stopped ringing the last week for trivial stuff I have to take care of because the people can't chew gum and walk at the same time.

My grandfather is having some health issues.  I suppose you would too at 95 years old.  We need to put him in a home.  He doesn't want to go, and thinks we are putting him out to pasture.  It doesn't help that his memory is starting to fail and he insists he did things or said things when in-fact he didn't and my parents have asked me to help cancel some things there as well.  It doesn't help that he did break his shoulder and layed immobile on the kitchen floor for 6+ hours until someone found him and realized he messed himself.  Doesn't hep that he's mad he drivers license has expired and he wants to renew it.....he should not be driving.

Then my father informed me that the docter found some cancer, melanoma, on his face, so he had surgery today in which they removed some skin.  Let that be a lesson folks....wear sunscreen whenever you can, becuase it will come back to haunt you later in life.

So what is this a recipe for?.....you guessed it...a mild-to-moderate meltdown.  I had to walk outside a few times already today to clear my head, take a few deep breaths, wipe my eyes, and compose myself.  I spent my lunh hour today in my car....crying....because I have no other venting outlet right now.  I'm not proud of crying at all, but I'm also not ashamed of it either.  I don't like to do it, but it feels as if I have been living out someone elses nightmare off and on for the last few years now.  My eyes still sting and feel slightly swollen right now.

I called my dad today as well, just to decompress.  God bless him...he does his best to console me...to build me up...to tell me everything is gonna be okay....but my dad is known for having emotions or empathy.  So while I beleive he does 'hear' me...I just don't make the connection with him as his son.

Oh, and for those wondering why my wife came over last week.  It was both a social visit to teh neighbors AND to dig up dirt on me.  The good news is I've purposely avoided 'those' neighbors in even casual contact that they can't say anything about me.

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