March 20, 2012

Celebrate Recovery

In a never ending self-sadistic way of getting my life and my mind back together, I sent an email today to a leader of a local Celebrate Recovery program trying to get information on upcoming new classes or groups.

They list their meetings as 4 hours long on Friday nights. 4 hours! First hour is a group dinner, followed by two hours of classes groups, and finsihed up with an hour mixer with music and coffee. I only want to go to the middle two hours right now, so we'll see.

I've been recently reading another book, "Life's Healing Choices" by John Baker, and like the audio version of "Codependant No More", many of the stories within parallel many of my own plights and feelings.

I'm not sure if I will actually go or not. I feel I need a break for about two weeks or so. I'm already considering not going to Al-Anon tomorrow evening either. I need some time of further detachment and get away from all the people buzzing in my ears.

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