December 06, 2011

Sleep Delerium

I'm super tired today.

You ever reach that point where you are so tired, you can't sleep, and your mind is quiet aware that your body is just going through the motions? That's how I feel right now.

Although I am on two cups of coffee and a crappy sausage breakfast sandwich from Jack in the head feels a combination of 'high' and 'numb'.

I went to bed last night at about 9pm, and struggled to keep my eyes open while watching TV until about 10. Shortly after that I feel asleep..say 10:15 or so? Next thing I know it's 1:45am and from then I am up until sometime around 5am where I drift off again, just to wake up for work at 6. So, if I'm lucky I've got just about 4 hours sleep.

What does that mean? It means I'm a bit irritable today...i.e. grouchy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be Brave mate, God and angles are watching over you and admire your efforts. I am sure you will be healthy and happy again !
Wish you a Wonderful New year :)