September 17, 2009

Placebo thinking?

As I recently reported I had been off my meds for a few weeks now, and being the nature of the beast itself, perhaps I've been over analyzing my need or dependance on them.

I wonder if my 'need' is indeed just in my head and I do use the meds as a crutch of some sort. Perhaps the idea of taking them is just enough to fool myself into thinking they are actually doing me some good.

The last two weeks I have found myself increasingly irritable when it comes to things like work and what seems to be never ending chores at home. It's also been hotter than normal outside and as I stated also in an earlier post, we've been a little short handed at work to where I have been picking up some additional slack and feel a bit under pressure. A few bills have been once again mounting up despite my best efforts to control and watch my spending habits.

I suppose it could be worse. I read in the news the unfortunate story with the Yale grad that was recently strangled, or kids being shot at home and at school, the very corrupt ACORN scandals, etc. For a while I was happy not listening to the news....maybe I need to turn it off again and be naive to the world.

And again, my relationship with my wife just seems 'meh'. She hasn't yet told me...I've been waiting for her to offer up the information...I have discovered she made plans to go out with her high school friends this Friday night. I kinda thought something was up when she called her ex-husband and requested that they change weekends for exchanging my step-daughter. As of earlier this week, we had made plans to do something saturday evening and I asked about my step-daughter and my wife said she should be okay staying at our hoem for a few hours. But now that my wife has made plans to go out Friday, she called her ex out of the blue to make 'changes'. I smelled something 'fishy' and asked her if she wanted to go to dinenr with me on Friday her the opportunity to come clean about her plans, but instead, she replied "we'll see...and I'm tired and going to bed." She knows that I don't care for her friends all that much...well, not really her friends, but (im my opinion) excessive drinking. I'd rather not blow tons of money at a bar with people who after adding a few drinks all of a sudden turn into complete immature morons which I would be embarrased to be around.

A few people have asked me...."Do you think your wife is cheating?" I can hosnestly say I 100% trust her in that department. I do not believe for one minute she is flirting or seeing someone else. She may wish I shed a few pounds around my mid-section, but I'm far from out of shape. So no, I don't think she is cheating....I just think she still has this desire to pretend she's 18 years old again despite the fact she actually 40, and she realizes I'm over that type of behavior.

Anyway, I'm a bit disapointed in general I suppose that she hasn't told me her plans for Friday, that I found out through the 'grapevine' and I guess she thinks I'm none the wiser.

So, where was I? That was a terrible tangent....

Okay, so yeah....I've been wondering if this recent pressure and mood I've been experiencing s due to the fact I have been off my meds for a few weeks now, or it really is all these outside factors ganging up on me. I honestly can't tell, nor do I think short of somone drilling in my head and taking a sample of the chemicals bouncing around in my noggin', if this is a real medical issue for me that I will carry the rest of my life, or am I just caught up in the moment of my local environment and it's all a coincidence.

So to err on the side of caution, I took a pill this morning. I won't feel it at all for at least two weeks...and that's only if I start a regime of pill popping again which doesn't sit well with me...but maybe I really do need it. I can feel the wispy tenticles of depression grazing my feet here and there, and I suppose one could say I want to nip it in the bud before it's too late.

I went to church this past Sunday again too, and it was really good. The message was really strong as we are in teh book of Ephesians and studying the 'armor of God'. This last week it was the helmet of Hope. I think I need to re-read chapter 6 again and really soak it in.

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