August 19, 2009

Things are looking up?

I realize it been almost a month since my last post, and my last entry was indicating I was go to the therapists office to make sense of the verbal altercation my wife was having with from the previous weekend.

Pride is a very difficult thing. We all have it to one degree or another, and sometimes personal pride can get in the way of many a great thing, especially relationships. I don't mean this to be a wife bashing session (as you'll hopefully figure out in the coming paragraphs), but I have come to the realization my wife has a great amount of personal pride.

Not that pride is bad in and of itself, it's how it's applied in everyday situations. So for all you guys and gals, married or unmarried, or whatever you relationship status is....swallow your pride. Pride can be just as damaging as jealousy and bittereness and other negative emotions.

I've said this spouse does not have 'sorry' in her vocabulary. She makes ammends in other ways and sometimes its difficult for me to recognize right away.

Long story short, Tuesday we did have a session with our counselor and when it was all said and done and we laid out both sides of the events that transpired, the female counselor told my wife that she was wrong. It was not a 'Nyah, Nyah, Nyah' moment for me. I had no desire to rub it in her face, but for me, it helped me unload some of the weight I carry on my own shoulders and midn in wondering "Am I really this screwed up? Do I really not get life? Have I been raised by a warped moral and ethical code that doesn't really exist?"

The other strange thing that I will never understand is once my wife heard that I in fact did the right thing and that perhaps she was actually out of line during the course of prior events, she seemed to understand the issue. How come when I point out stuff it's dismissed, but if someone else points out the EXACT same thing, then it is taken seriously and digested and thought about by her?

Anyway, that was close to a month ago, and I'm happy to report that things between us have improved. I feel as if my wife really is indeed trying to make an effort in some thinsg now. No nothing is perfect, including me, and I'm still on my medication, but I've been more at peace these last two weeks than I have in months. We are getting along well, doing things together and still being able to find the tiem to do our own things. I do feel a bit more empowered as of late as well and maybe not as spineless as before when it comes to my wife. Maybe my wife has gained an incling of more respect for me because of this too. I'm more firm in my answers...not mean...and I'm not getting suckered into certain badegerings. I just walk away and talk calmly and tell her when she wants to talk civily....we'll talk, and if she even begins to raise her voice, I just stop and let it go in one ear and out the other. Sure, I think this agitates her to no end, and I'm not trying to be an ass about it, but I'm saving myself from getting worked up, sleepless, having to rely on pills to lower my blood pressure or pain in my chest. I think she's getting the hint now and realizes I'm not as eaily goaded as before. And it does help when a professional tell her that her antics at times are just as unhealthy as mine.

But in all seriousness, we are getting along good. We actually hosted a party at our house last weekend which was fun for the both of us. We also recently went to the county fair, and tonight we are going to a that she bought for me, no less.

So let's hope this is a beginning of a new standard in turning our relationship around. I don't want to jinx it at all, but the last few weeks has been quite an improvement for us.


Unknown said...

Hello Dude

I am desperately alone. I am all alone in a house that was once filled with the laughter of my daughters, three beautiful girls, my wife whom I love, even the pets that I was so fond of - and yet I sit here all alone, they are all gone and I wonder what is it all about.

To top it, I battle a with a war in my head, a war that rages in me to obey my God and follow His way of life. Yet I keep falling short of the line. I keep failing to believe in Him, trust Him ... I also fail Him sinning over and over.

And who can I confess my sins to ...

I am desperate to hear the voice of God. So I typed the words "God I am alone" into Google and your site pops up.

No you are not God and no your site is not the answer to my problems and my lonliness. I might be crazy typing this into your comment box ...but I have not totally lost it.

The words in your blog (or whatever you call it) reminded me of the woman who has walked out of life and taken the children I love.

A womn who is hurting inside. A woman who hates me so much now that even though she is getting wants she wants from the divorce is bent on bring me down.

I know that I do not deserve to be accussed and blamed for what she is accusing me of and receive divorce papers.

I do not understand that although I love this woman she chooses to hate me. Chooses to blame me for things that I did not do.

I feel like I am in some movie, where I am looking down on my own life and it is just some big stupid joke.

I read your blog and I am so envious of your wife's willingness to take a step back.

My wife also could never say sorry and now lives on Facebook telling the world that I abuse her and abuse my children.

How I long for my wife to say sorry and walk back into my life. How I long for God to explain why He has allowed things to go so wrong in my life.

Yet I know that it is not God's fault. I know that God's plan is to bring us into His family. I know that what He has in store for us - in His world - is so fantastic that we are unable to comprehend it.

As Paul said in plain language - this life is just simply shit compared His life in heaven.

I understand that in order for God to express His perfect love, and for Him to be able to execute His perfect plan in building a relationship with us and then bringing us into His family, He has to allow us TOTAL AND COMPLETE FREE WILL.

God loves my wife so much that He has allowed her to express her free will. He has allowed a women that was walking with God to turn her life around and begin a journey with Satan.

How can someone who has tasted God's way of life turn so easily, let themselves literally go.

God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden. They heard Him and they talked to Him and they saw Him.

Yet they choose to turn their face away from Him.

Now I, who is suffering because of the sins of my wife, have to without the presence of God have faith and believe and follow Him.

How? How if Adam and Eve could not even do it with God there. With no social, emotional, political or any other imaginable "hang-up" not follow God - How must I do it?

I prayed again today. As I have every day for the last three years. God please intervene in my life in some miraculous way so that I can start going forward. That I can be a "normal" person again.

Yet I sit here - No wife, no children, no job, no furniture, no a whole lot more things ...

My life is really in a mess ...

I sit here in such emotional pain that my chest and body physically hurts ...

And I pray God please help ...


Yet I know that He is there. I know that He has helped me. But I still battle to believe ... Especially when the pain gets so much that I want to die ....

Then I have to say, "Why God why?"

Alone Disciple said...


I read your comment today, and I'm sorry it may seem a little late in my response, but while I can't proclaim to know exactly how you are feeling 100%....many of the things you wrote about overlap or at least parallel events in my own life.

Like you, I pray and I pray and I pray.....and I sometimes wonder if there is indeed anyone listening on the other end.

I often think of that one country song from a few years back where the gist was sometimes God's answer is 'No' and for good purpose and only years later do we recognize why it was better to be "No".

I had at one point contemplated the notion of ceasing my existance. I have been sick with worry and doubt robbing myself of my own joy, my health, and the wonders that God has given me...and you.

I have been on medication more than once and ask God for all that He has given me, why am I my head...and sometimes my heart.

Are things looking up for me? Well some days yes....other days....not so much. There are even days it feels as if I too (and my wife) take a step back yet again despite progress.

Dawid, please feel free to write to me directly at even if just to vent. I can't promise I'll respond immediatedly, but you have touched me today...because I can relate to your grief and it make me sad even though I do not know you.

Thank you for taking the courage to write a comment and let me know. If anything, know that this complete stranger (me) will pray for you. I struggle daily as well...the temptations are intense...and I too fall...daily. Everyone does. Period. No one deserves the grace of God, but Christs blood was meant as a free oursleves from bondage.

A gift! He willingly gives us a free gift, expecting nothing in return...well, I suppose the recognition of our faults and Christ as our Savior...but it's free man. That's what trips us up over and over again...we all we are conditioned to think...we were taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch. "What's the catch?" we ask. But we are thinking with a mortal mind, with definitions and examples from our fellow man...not from Him or the Father.

We have to train ourselves DAILY that He has UNCONDITIONAL love for all of us, no matter what we have done and will do. He wants a relationship with us..our heart...and the asking price is not money, or works, or's a belief and acceptance of His Son.

God bless Dawid...please stay in contact.