August 15, 2007

Points to Ponder II

This has been on my mind for a few weeks as well, ever since I saw a play from Michael Sewell and his ministried regarding the Bema Judgement.

In one part of his play, Michael's character stands with 'all' those who were saved and not apart of the Great White Throne judgement or the Judgement of the Nations. The character narrates that he is but one person, or soul, gathered amogst all the other people who are awaiting the Bema Judgement from Christ, and he looks around himself and there are people as far as the eye can see, in all directions, awaiting their moment with Christ.

I never really thought of this before. The bible speaks of Bema Judgement as one event, not broken up into smaller segments over the course of days or weeks. 'Everyone' who is saved (that is accpeted Christ for salvation) appears at this time for a reckoning and accounting of their works on earth. (Cor 5: 7-10 & Rom 14: 10-12)

We're not talking hundred or thousands of people, we're probably talking on the scale of millions! Perhaps billions? Can you imagine billions of people all gathered shoulder to shoulder at one point, one event, for personal judgement! I dare say I cannot get my mind wrapped around this, but then again, once in Paradise or Heaven, the laws of physics, time, and space do not apply. Perhaps I will be standing next to people from other countries, from multiple era's, both from the far past and distant future, together, awaiting judgement.

I cannot seem to begin to paint a picture or concept on which this may look like. I don't think my brain is equipped.

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