January 19, 2007

A little angry today

I'm not sure why I feel as angry as I do today. I'm borderlining on tears again. I just feel so overwhelmed again, like I'm treading water with no life line. Actually, I have a few ideas why I am:
  1. I've been off my anti-depressants for almost a week now.
  2. My work load has been extremely high lately with a few of my peers not in this week and me picking up much more 'urgent' issues to deal with (which really aren't that urgent, people just think they are the most important thing).
  3. My spouse and her money issues and attitude towards them, and towards me regarding them.
  4. Uneasy dreams I've been having lately, whether it be about my old job, or apocolyptic in nature, they border on nightmares and I've had one every day this week.

Yes, I'm tired. This past week it feels like I am not getting enough sleep. I go to bed around 11pm and I wake up a few times during the night only to be up by 6am. I think I am averiging about 5-6 hours of sleep along with the psuedo nightmares. The anti-depressents are expensive and many times I forget to take them. Sometimes I don't want to take them, other times I truly do indeed forget.

My dreams have focused on religious matters as of late as well as work. I have dreamed about the end of the end of the world and the salvation of a close friend of mine (who isn't saved), and other violent tendencies. I dream about my previous place of employment and why I cannot let it go. The more times goes on, and I pray about it, the more I feel I was wronged in the whole situation. I am very puzzled why God allowed me to be removed and not to have replaced it with something better. If this is supposed to be some grand learning plan directed for me regarding faith, I feel as if I want to throw in the towel....I don't want to play this game anymore, nor do I want to be tested any longer. Lord, please hear me, I succumb already!! I call 'uncle'!! Please deliver me to peace already!

My spouse and I are also at odds, regarding financial issues. The burdens don't get any easier and she isn't supporting me or us like I think she should. I believe family matters and responsibilities are the priority whereas my wife has an excuse every other time I ask her to help pay for something. That adds to my stress levels and unfortunately sometimes my resentment to our marriage as well, even though I do love her. I feel as if I can barely support myself emotionally let alone someone else who always seems to have an issue as well.

I'm freaking tired and I want to cry.

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