April 20, 2009

Eye of the Storm (Part II)

With my in-laws now inside the house and my wife thinking that this is very odd to begin with, the kitchen door knocked again just a mere minute or two later, and in walks my father.

It is at this point my wife begins to see the pieces falling into place and her preliminary quizicle looks turns to an icy stare directed at me. Within an instant I see the transformation of her deamoner go from intrigue to pure betrayal and hardness.

"I can't believe you did this.", she directs solely to me, as if there is no one else in the house and thus begins to storm upstairs. I knew this reaction was coming, but even with two and then some weeks of preparation, it still wasn't enough for me to steel myself against that 'look.'

We all sat quiet for a second, not sure who was going to respond or break the ice first. Eventually it was her father who slowly took the stairs to the second level of our house and asked his daughter to come down and speak like an adult. By this time she had secreted away to our master bathroom and would not come out. Her dad gave her a minute or so and finally came down. It was my turn to try and I ascended to the op of the landing asking her to come and speak with us...and to me. My in-laws and father could not see her at this point, but she emerged from the vanity and stood defiantly in our bedroom, directing an outstretched pointed finger in my direction, gritting her teeth, eyes smoldering like coal and demanding why I brought her parents into 'our' problem.

I explained to her I really had no other choice. I had given her over two weeks to open up to me, to make a first step after giving her as much space as she needed, and during this whole time she never once displayed any inclination of ever wanting to fix or admit anything. No, I was pretty much done paying the price for something I didn't even know I was paying the price for, let alone be ignored for one more day longer. If this marriage is to be over, then she will have to make a decision of some sort today....no more "I need more time", or "I'm not willing to talk". That is acceptable to a point, but at our ages (39 both) the continued silence and wanton attitude of hers had reached its limit for me. Not that I was ever mad or angry...I was completely sad and heartbroken, and everyday it was becoming a worse and worse struggle to want to come home and deal with. No, something had to be answered today, at least for my own sanity, even if it was to be the worst words I ever wanted to hear...divorce...but by-golly, something was gonna give today....she was either going to start to meet me halfway, or she was going to move out.....and I had full support from her parents, her sister and brotehr-in-law, and my own parents.

I continued to stand my ground to ask her to come down and speak, although I was to be on the receving end of a few more minutes of scathing remarks and accusations. 'Betrayer' was the worst of them, because I never ever felt I betrayed her....but normal actions weren't getting us anywhere, just making me sicker and sicker by the day....affecting my appetite, my work, my concentration, my spirit, etc. As my sister-in-law once said, "It's time to pull the pin. Be ready for the fallout. It ain't gonna be pretty."

Realizing that there was nowhere else to go, and no one was going to leave anytime soon, she finally came downstairs, but refused to sit. No, she stood in the kitchen the entire time, eyes shifting from all of us or to the ground, but mostly towards me. Thank goodness my family was there and God was with me, otherwise I'm not sure I could have handled it on my own.

We didn't speak about alcohol or poor financial decsions, and in a way I'm glad. Perhaps those are battles for another time and will be dealt with in counseling. Today's purpose was to get my wife to agree to go to counseling for 'issues' that were not only troubling her, but tearing this marriage apart at the foundations. It was done with love and not accusations. It was done not as an ambush, but to get her to recognize that running away may be convienent in the short term, buying some time to sweep thinsg under the rug, but the pile had been building and building and building and something was about to pop....most likely me, and I wanted to ensure both my wife and my family that I was here to save my marriage and that I love my wife and I had not given up. I may have given up 3 years ago when I was struggling to find God again in the midst of depression and pharmacueticals and even considered cashing it all in (if you know what I mean). But I survived that dark time, and now I noticed parallels in my wife's life and I don't want her to suffer the same way I did, or to hurt anyone either intentionally or accidentally (through alcohol or some other stunt).

The goal is not to deny the past and the wrong doings, but to know that God is love, and there is a way out if you allow Him in and let others help. The goal is accept what has been done, accept responsibility, possibly nmake some changes (small at first), but to move in a direction from this point forward that moves the marriage to reconciliation and into a Godly light. The goal for this exact moment was to have her make a decision,....that this marriage was worth saving with her involvement, or she was going to have to leave...today....and the decsion was hers to make. I couldn't force her anymore to do anything, including to love me, but I didn't have to have her stay at my house if she wasn't going to try anything.

To be continued....

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