January 13, 2009

Nothing new to report

Fortunately, I wasn't laid off last week, but that doesn't mean I'm in the clear. Our company did release some temporary workers, how many...I'm not sure...and it appears at least for the time being any additional layoffs may be on hold for at least a month, maybe two.

So I suppose I have some breathing room for the time being, and this little mini-scare I had last week had me once again cinching up the old financial belt. Money right now is going directly to debt and the neccessities, such as food and gas. Once again, I fear that any hopes of a real vacation may be dashed as I look around and see so many others right now facing economic hardships.

I'm not sure why, but I didn't go to church this past weekend. I got up early and intended to go, but once again like what happened a few weeks back, the closer it got time to leave....the more I just sat struggling within and making excuses to enjoy a cup of coffee and solitude.

I've been think of 'R' lately and haven't found the courage to call his ex-fiance up to see how she's doing. Maybe I'll call this weekend and make it a point to bring my dog over to play with her and R's dog as an excuse.

Getting back to the unemployment thing again....only now that that particular episode is over do I recognize the enemy was using my own insecurities and fears against me. I let the rumors rob me of piece of mind, and for those few days I made myself physically uncomfortable for nothing. I worried and panicked and stressed, for what? Too bad this is a life lesson I constantly fail at learning anything.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm glad to hear you missed the bullet on the layoffs. Good luck to you in the future. I believe everyone is tightening their belts right now so hang in there.

God bless,
