October 08, 2008

Upcoming 40th

We received an envelope on our doorstep when I got home last night.

I was quite surprised when I opened it up to learn that we were invited to a 40th birthday party for one of our other neighbors. Even more so that is 2 months from now?!?

I'm not exactly sure if it's a misprint so I'll have to call. I don't think I've ever been invited to a party for someone I've only had a few brief conversations with let alone two months in advance. In a way I'm touched. I take a little bit of comfort in knowing that one of the neighbors think well enough of my wife and I to ask us to attend a birthday party.

My wife doesn't know about it yet since she is away on business and I haven't spoken to her yet since I found it. It would be nice if she goes, but even if for some reason she doesn't I will be there. For the longest time I thought our neighborhood needs a certain type of 'healing' or 'support' for each other in lieu of recent events and past indiscretions and cliques that appear to have formed. Despite the fact my wife may not get along with everyone...actually...in all honesty, there have been a few that have shunned my wife for who knows what (at least nothing that I am personally aware of), I'd like to think that my neighbors like me. I may be the second youngest man on the street, but I think I have a certain repoir with everyone and have never ruffled any feathers. I'm smart enough to know what to get involved in...and what not to.

Anyway, it would be somewhat disrespectful if we did not go, and may close down the avenue of any future socialization between our house hold and others. I'm not going inorder to 'score' points, but rather to show my appreciation that they though of us and thank them.

I really don't know much about him, so getting a gift is going to be an exercise in brain power. What do you get someone you really don't know that hopefully won't offend their character?

Hopefully my wife will agree to attend as well....but I plan on going no matter what.

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