July 01, 2008

A Series of Events (Part II) - Saturday morning

My wife wasn't too happy that she had to work Saturday. She is a salaried employee who doesn't really have the luxury of saying "No" or taking a break when she would like to. I do have some empathy for her as I know her boss and the company takes advanatge of her.

Her problem, and I tried to warn her multiple times of this a few years back, is that she has a problem saying "No." to her company when they ask her to do favors. Funny, she doesn't have a problem saying "No." to me when I think about it. She's sorta backed herself into a corner these days in the fact that her boss doesn't even ask for 'favors' anylonger. My wife has said "Yes." so many times in the past, they now just expect her to work when everyone else takes time off for personal reasons. If there is one thing outside our marital and financial issues that irks me is that I really do feel they have her over a barrel and truly take advanatge of the situation. The last few months her work has been piling up and on, and her 40 hour a week job has easily been closer to 60 as of late. The problem is, they really do not compensate her for it...not even 'comp' time. I know the state of the economy we're in, and with some of our bills, we can't afford (for very long) to have one of us lose our job right now. She just got her merit raise and it was a whole 3%. I suppose 3% is better than nothing (my company didn't give any raises so far this year), but 3% of nothing really doesn't equate to much anyhow. It clearly doesn't even come close to the amount of hours she's been working, and for that I do feel bad for her. On the flip side.....the more she works though, I figure the less likely she's apt to get in trouble and also stays away from what I consider some bad outside influences.

Anyway, she got up early on Saturday morning to go to work and since I've been having trouble sleeping anyways, I decided to get up as well. It was early enough where I figured I could do some chores before I went to my mens bible study at 8:30am. At about 7:15 I decided to take a few minutes break and play a video game for a few minutes.

That's the danger of addictive games....my planned 30 minute break started to creep up on 45 minutes and I kept telling myself "5 more minutes" and I gotta go. Well, I must have said that to myself at least 3 times because the next time I looked at the clock it was now 8:25 and I wasn't even dressed. Thankfully, my church os only 2 minutes away, so I figure they never start on time anyway, so if I'm 5 minutes late, I really haven't missed anything.

Well, wouldn't you know...I stretched my 5 extra minutes into an additional 10. When I finally turned off my computer and got dressed it was now 8:45. I told myself I should start a load of laundry (it should be done by the time I get back)....after I take my medication. I loaded the machine with my work clothes, took my meds and then looked at the clock. 9:00am. Great. Now I'm 30 minutes late.

I look at my dog and realize he hadn't been walked in two days due to the heat and I felt a bit guilty. I made the decision to walk my dog and forego bible study. By the time I got there at this rate it'd be 1/2 over anyway.

Ugh. Inside I felt ashamed. I had all intentions of going the previous few days and thought I was looking forward to attending. But deep down inside, I must have made some internal excuses as to how to avoid it....and then justify it within my mind. My last self-justification was that my body was still recovering from my latest Uticaria outbreak, with my hives about 90% under control. Why chance the heat if I can maintain being cool at home?

I was productive however. I vacuumed the house and mopped the kitchen. I unloaded the dishwasher. I watered the plants and trimmed some bushes out front. I walked the dog. I cleaned the toilets and did two loads of laundry and tidied up a little bit around the house.

I did such a fine job I decied to take a break...again...playing a video game.

The phone rang. Caller ID identified the caller as my mother. I didn't answer. I had already spoke to her on Friday on two seperate occassions that she initiated to talk about my skin condition and I couldn't think for the life of me what more could be said or added that hadn't been discussed 100 times before.

That was sort of a mistake not to take the call and just resign myself to the fact that my mother is on one of her 'missions' and will not give up until she feels she completed her self appointed duty. In this case, getting a hold of me.

Now let me preface the next set of paragraphs with a little background on my mother and me and our dynamic. I am an only child...meaning I have no brothers or sisters to share either the ire or love of my parents. My mother is 100% Italian and has an alpha personality. I do indeed love my mother very, very much. I cannot stress how much I do love her, but, she does have the uncanny ability to drive me crazy, run things into the ground, never let go of ancient history, and generally get involved in things when not asked to because she wants and feel the need to help.

In the past I have asked my mother very politely to back off of certain things, especially when it comes to my marriage and personal life. Sometimes I find myself repeatedly asking her to back off. Sometimes my politeness has a limit...and after we go round and round on a topic for the tenth time, I begin to lose my patience and my politeness.

You also have to understand my mother really has the the best of intentions. I know deep down she means no harm and just wants to help, but she can be the 'nosy neighbor' or the person who just finds themselves in the middle of everything no matter how hard you try and avoid it. To put it simply, my mother has control issues, and I often wonder how much of a contributing factor she is/was in my depression. I say that because as much as I love my mother, I cringe when the phone rings anymore. It's always 'something'. It's usually a laundry list of whats wrong with everybody else, or some wacky advice with no real basis in fact. And probably the biggest issue I have with my mother to date: it takes her forever to get to the point on anything due to the round-about way she discussed things.

You're probably thinking about the same thing right now in regards to me. Well, maybe that is true on occassion. But I really think this is the biggest diffrence between the two of us: I am very detailed orientated and can take you from point A to point Z in a very methodical, effiecient, and planned out manner. My mother can also take you to point Z if you don't mind traveling back to previous points multiple times.

Me: A-B-C-D-E-F......X-Y-Z.

My mother: A-A-B-C-A-D-E-A-B....

You get the point. It's maddening, frustrating, repetitive, eye-rolling, and pateince testing. There are times I catch myself saying "Yeah, yeah..Got it..Okay..Move on....Your point is?" And for some reason, no matter how much I pray to God to grant me patience....it is something I really don't have yet.

So when I don't pick up our house phone...then my cell phone rings just afterwards. Typical M.O. This will continue every half hour until I call back or pick up. The longer I wait, the more intense the conversation will become and then I have to answer additional questions like "Where were you? Why didn't you pick up? I've been trying to call all day."

Yeah, I know.....that's why I don't pick up....I have nothing to say at times and I don't want to get sucked into a 20 minute conversation about who knows what. I relish in peace and quiet at times and enjoy my days off in solitude. 90% of the time the conversations she initiates have no real depth to them or point. I figure its just her way at 64 years of age to keep tabs on me or to interject herself yet again, for her own self-validation. Oh man, I know that sounds so harsh and mean spirited and I cringe internally when I even think it, but that's how I feel.

Needless to say, I avoid the calls as long as I can and decide to suck it up, sit down, and return the call at 3pm.

To be continued.....

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