September 07, 2007

Neighborhood Drama - Part II

Sorry it's been a few days since the last post. I tweaked my back and have been in a bit of pain, nothing a little rest and aspirin haven't fixed. The problem with breaking up a post like this from the last is that when a few days past, my mood changes slightly and the overall train of thought and tone tends to change.

I can say, I'm proud of my wife. She has remained pretty strong the last few days and hasn't gone back to the neighbor to try and work things out, which I think for the time being is a wise move.

I'm a little surprised (or maybe I'm not) that the offending neighbor hasn't tried to call my wife to apologize either. Tonight my wife will be going out with some of her more mature girlfriends from work to celebrate a birthday among the group, which I'm happy for. She won't be around tonight to hang out with the neighborhood crowd.

I did catch her talking to one neighbor on the phone though earlier this week who confided in my wife that she also felt something was awry on that 'end' of the block. I had mixed feelings about that call. On one hand I told my wife that she really lets to need this drop right now and not get sucked into anything, saying something she may regret later. On the other hand the caller was more 'proof' to me, and my wife for that matter, that there is 'evil' (for lack of a better word) afoot and as Christians we must vigilant and pray. Pray for our emotional protection, pray for our ethical and moral dilemmas, and pray that non-believers see the folly of denial of a higher power and that a softening of the heart takes place.

Saturday night I'll be taking my wife out, which has a secondary beneficial effect of once again seperating her from bad influence on the street. The big test will come next Monday when she is supposed to go bowling and may find herself in an awkward position of having to re-visit what happened last week with the woman who gave her a hard time. I'm not sure who's more scared, my wife or myself.

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