June 19, 2007

New Links

I added two new links today.

Actually, one link, and one donation widget to the ASPCA.

PuppyTherapy.com is a site they describe as: "Puppy pictures make the world a happier place." I couldn't agree more, as dogs (and even cats) have an unfathomable and limitless amount of unconditional love for their owners.

I know for myself, my dog really got me through some rough patches. When I felt lost and hopeless at times, when I didn't want to hear from any otehr person, it was only through my dogs companionship and attention towards me that I saw the love of God staring back at me. That may sound a bit strange, but his (my dog) devotion to me reminded me so much of His (my Lord) attempt to comfort me and recognize that I wasn't myself.

In an additional attempt to find some meaning to my life and all the craziness that surrounds me, I have come to realize over the last few months how important domesticated animals are to people. I know 'domesticated' sounds so 'clinical', but sometimes I am at a loss for regular wording. I just know that since I have had my dog, he has revealed so much more to me about myself, me feelings, my emotions, and more and I recognize more of God's creations and His own love for us through my pup.

I recently heard a radio ad in which a "Counsler" type suggested that people take precidence over animals, and if it came down to a choice, people should always come first. I guess at a high level viewing of that statement I would have to agree, but over time, my viewpoint and opinion changes depending on the person and/or situation. After I watch many of Animal Planets shows, I am appalled and embarrased and ashamed on how some people treat their pets. If God asked me to chose between a person and a pet, sometimes I'd be hard pressed to make a decision. People are sinful in nature, whereas pets are not. I have been let down so many times by people, including those that are blood related and best friends, I lack a certain amount of 'faith' anymore, or allegiance to people. I don't have that problem with animals.

Anyway, I have included a link below to raise money for the ASPCA. It is a wonderful organization that is a non-profit entity thats sole purpose is to help end cruelty to animals, and find nice homes for potential adoptees. They also help in animal education, and perform medical procedures and treatments to animals that otherwise may die or suffer.

I am seriously considering devoting some spare time of mine as a volunteer to this organization, but I also know I am very emotional. As much as I want to help animals, I know I get attached very easily. Even now, I find myself in tears at times watching these shows, and I cry for the animals that are suffering or are abused or neglected. I so much want to help them all, but I knwo I cannot. I fear the emotional strain on myself would also put me back in a downward spiral. However, I thank God so much for my dog and his creations, but I do wonder why he allows them to be put in situations where man causes harm.

So, even if you have $5 extra dollars, please click the link below and help me reach my goal of $500.

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