May 01, 2007

Dealings with Lust and Shame

Depression is generally coupled with various emotions, most of them generally of the nuetral or negative conotations.

These emotions fluctuate seemingly at will. Sometimes they are intense cravings only for a few moments, other times that linger longer than I would personally like them to. They often morph and swirl about in my brain until my original thought ends up taking me down a completly different path and opening another set of thoughts and beliefs. These beliefs and griefs, and burdens can weigh me down one minute, and like a vapor dissapate shortly thereafter. The overall sense is a sense of lonliness and and in extreme cases abandonment, resentment, bitterness. And finally, in a moment of muddled clarity, I often look in the mirror and wonder how did I allow these things to happen? Where was the point in which I lost control? Did I ever even have control, or did I just falsly believe I did.

In the end, I'm not sure it really matters.

I know I feel alone at times. Not all the time, but enough where it my mind has a certain way of reminding me even if try not to think about it.

In order to cure lonliness, we become desperate at times. God recognized that Man should not be alone and needed companionship above that of the animals he had dominion over, so he created woman. And they lived happily with each other until the original sin.

What was once beautiful was now infected and tainted. New emotions rose to the surface: insecurity, envy, jealousy, lust. Note that these are negative emotions and God warns us against them, to pray to Christ for strength in the face of temptation.

But man in his lonliness is impatient. His soul is torn between a spiritual fullfillment from God, and quick, tangible fullfillment and quick gratification in choosing the easier path. For humans, the easier path is just that....easier...and not of God's will for us. But try explaining that to a person who has felt alone for so long, even in the midst of family and friends, and church. Why can I say this? Because I feel I often fall into that same category.

I know people love me. They care for me. They pray for me. But I often wonder do they 'get' or 'understand' me. Soon my heart and mind take over and calls out to me this is a spiritual condition and I cast away the righteous path for a path with the least resistance, and a path I know that Satan tempts me to walk down.

I'm sad to say I have walked down that path more than I care to admit.

Lonliness is most likely a condition of the heart, but I guess to say the tactile feeling of anothers warm touch, and the mind itself play important roles in all this. Lonliness brings out the fantasies and desires rooted in basic human touch, needs and even lust.

When alone, my mind her, and to her, and yes even her over there. There's a biblical verse that says if you look and sin with your eye, it is best to gauge it out than to be tempted and commit sin within the heart. Quite frankly, I'd be blind many times over.

Is sex the answer? Is lust and physical stimulation the answer? It may relieve short term issues, but trust me, the lonliness and desires always have a way of finding their ways backs to top and thus the cycle repeats.

For me, afterwards, comes shame. Internal spiritual condemnation. A quick high is just as quickly replaced for a need of repentance and asking of forgiveness. Lord, why did my 'eye' stray? Is there nothing else to fill the void? Medicine? Pills? Yet even more prayer?

I want to be joyous and happy and give glory to Him, but in my path, I often get the righteous path confused with the quick path. Shame often rides upon my shoulder and dwells inside me. Shame that my eyes strayed. Shame that my faith isn't strong enough. Shame that the easier path is more attractive than the right path.

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