February 21, 2007

Called Out - Keeping my Anger in check.

I had a small taste of Humble Pie today, and the best part of it is I can hopefully learn from my transgressions and emotions.

The last week has been a bit stressful. Homelife, worklife, spirituality has been really beating me up lately. My 'counsler' forgot our appointment last week and when I called her, she was getting her hair done. Now that I look back, this was sort of the starting point of my recent fall.

At first I was a little mad and upset with her. I began to equate that a hairstyle garnered more attention that I did, which may or may not be viewed as selfish. My way of punishing her back was to not re-sechedule my appointment. I'm not really sure what that proves....that I am still stubborn and vindictive, or to let her know she hurt my feelings and ticket me off.

Work has been very stressful as well. Longer than usual hours, with little help and no room for mistakes makes our whole 'team' (and I use that word very loosely) a bit crabby. I don't respond very well to unfair orders or people barking at me, especially when they treat me poorly. I begin to harbor even more resentment and anger towards them. One individual is on my 'short' list anyway, and I find it an exercise in patience not to blow my top, knowing full well it won't solve anything. It's like that saying: You can't teach an old dog new tricks, ....well, this person is set in their ways, and I don't think any amount of calm speak is going to win this person over.

So instead, I let my anger and frustration get the best of me and I took the Lord's name in vain not really paying attention to what I was saying. Here is where I got caught up in the moment....I expressed my 'colorful' words to a person I tried to witness to some time back.

Wouldn't you know...this person responded to me: "You realize you just took the Lords name in vain. For someone who was telling me about the Lord, seems like you just failed a test."

Inside, my heart sank, and I realized he was correct. I replied that just because I am Christian doesn't mean I am perfect and I agreed that I was wrong. I told him I was indeed angry and in times of unchecked emotions we all fall, but that is why it is important to ask for forgiveness. I apologized to him, and again relayed the fact that I need to pray for myself to indeed keep my anger and emotions in check, that I need to be a represntative of God, and in this case I admit I did fail.

Weird that I really didn't think of it until it was pointed out to me, but it really hurt my spirit to know this unbeliever used the 'God' card against me. Live and learn I suppose.

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