June 22, 2012

Upcoming weekend

Today appears to be yet another slow day at work.  Ugh, I can't wait for this day to be over and it's not even 10am yet.

Watched Bridesmaidls last night on Netflix.  Funny, and cute, but was it all that which everyone else make it to be?  Maybe you have to be a woman to really appreciate?

As of Wed., my estranged (soon to be ex)wife was at a Casino.  Huge changes she's making...can't you tell?  So rumor has it she moves back in with her parents this weekend, but we'll see.  Actually I don't care.

Got up early again this morning. I don't like this new habit of getting up at, or just before 5am.  I partly blame the dog, as this has been his new habit for at least a month now.

Tonight I'll go to Celebrate and get my somewhat overdue 60 day chip. Should have gotten it last week, but I didn't go. That's from 7-9pm.  Then I'll come home and watch the telly.

Saturday will be chores, grocery shopping, and the gym.  I agreed to meet my friend and his wife and their little camping spot tomorrow late afternoon and hang out for a few hours.  I'll be outside, by a campfire, under the stars until I come later.

Sunday will be church and the gym again, and then a possible dinner with another friend (still TBD). 

I'm looking forward to getting out just to quell my restless spirit.  The last two days, I've been a little agitated.  Probably a combination of getting up super early, long, boring days at work, not being able to go to the gym this last week, and teh idea of my inlaws taking in their daughter after they said they wouldn't (but I understand at my core why they did).  Just an overall feeling of anxiousness fro no real reason.


Anonymous said...

Good job with the 60-day chip!! Glad you found a group that met your needs... You'll soon find a good balance for yourself between busy w/friends & family, and alone time to rediscover yourself. Each day you're standing a bit taller and more confidant. Others are seeing it too! Have a great weekend, and enjoy those stars! :)

Alone Disciple said...

I wish I could say the weekend ended on a High note, Anon...but Sunay evening found me taking a step backwards.

And this morning was fraught with tears of anger and isolation and confusion.