Both yesterday and today have been mind numbingly slow.
I hate days like this where the clock seems to take foever to move an hour.
So, I've been utilizing my time to try and make some sort of plans for the weekend.
It looks like tomorrow night will see me at Celebrate Recovery where I hope to be getting my 60 day chip for attending co-dependancy forums and open discussions. That's the only plus, otherwise I'll be home shortly after 9pm and probably just watch some TV before I hit the bed.
Saturday looks as if I'll be doing chores about the house, maybe work on a train model, and hit the gym. A buddy of mine invited me down to a campground he and his wife are staying at this weekend about 20 miles from where we live, just to hang out. I won't be spending the night, but seriously thinking about going down with my dog and just hanging out by a bonfire and have a small cookout, watch the sunset, hang out under the stars for a bit and then drive back home.
Sunday will find me at church, then the gym again, and possibly hang out with some friends in the afternoon, but that isn't set in stone.
I'm also trying just to find thinsg to do in my area. Looks like next weekend might have a better selection for things to do, like an outdoor fish fry next Friday night under the stars with a live band. I'm also awaiting a tour book to come in the mail because I'm considering a driving trip later in July for a few days...just to get out of town. It donned on me yesterday when I was thinking about this past year.....I haven't gone anywhere for or by myself in a year now. Any 3 day vacations I have had, I've spent at home doing chores, legal stuff, and other crap....never doing a damn thing.
This must change this year.
2012 is 1/2 over and I must try and accomplish going somewhere,....anywhere, lest I look back at this time next year and realize another year has come and went that I wasted doing nothing.
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