August 26, 2010

Hey Doc...

I received a letter in the mail yesterday from my local health care provider. It seems that my general practioner would like me to come in and re-check my blood work and check teh status of my higher than normal cholesterol.

Whether it was a computerized booking or something he actually though of himself, I'm glad someone is paying attention, because Lord knows I'm not. See, during my last physical (somewhere around a year, maybe more) the doctor said that despite what appears to be looking healthy on the outside, isn't always the case on the inside, and that my cholesterol was higher than it should be for my age (then 39). He requested that I drop a few pounds, change some dietary habits, get more exercise, etc.

The strange thing is that for the most part I do all these things already. I rarely eat junk food, I'm more muscular than the average male my age (I still go to the gym, just not as much as I'd like to or sometimes have the energy for), I don't smoke or do illicit drugs, and I eat a fair amount of greens. My biggest weakness: cheese and chicken wings. Well, I've really cut back on the buffalo wings (a treat for me), I use egg substitute, I've lost around 8 lbs since last year, and I try and make a mental note of the amount of red meat and cheese I eat. I still eat cheese, but try for 2% where I can and I also trim more fat of my steaks. So hopefully, my cholesterol wil improve. But now that I have 2 weeks until my appointment, I can make more of an effort between now and then to really eat right.

I'm glad I'm going to the doctor for my physcial as well. I still have some occasional issues I think are related to stress and some other concerns. This last year my father had his prostrate removed due to cancer. My father is on the road to full recovery as it was caught early on. My father's side of the family has a predisposition to certain cancers so I need to talk to my doc about pre-screening.

I'm also experiencing some other issues. To be frank, and excuse the graphic nature of this, I've been having some anal bleeding epsiodes here and there. Last year it was bad. Bright red blood and I went to the emergency room because there was a lot of blood. It eventually cleared up, but it was undetermined if I had a fissure, or ulcer, or something else. It looks fine down there, but I notice when I drink a bit, have spicy food, or under stress....I bleed. I need to really talk to him about that and maybe have a colonoscopy...just to be safe.

In other news, and it is brighter: The Lord answered a prayer for me/us in regards to some finances. My aunt came through with a nice sized check to help us get out of some tight spots.

I've been sleeping pretty good despite the very warm weather as of late (it's been in the mid to upper 90's this last week), and my hives/chronic uticaria has not made a return thus far this year.

I've been enjoying a new video game called 'Dead Space' and reading a lot more. I actually started a new novel earlier this week (400+ pgs), and I'm already 1/3rd done.

Work is still boring, but my few day vacation is coming up next week. I'll have 5 days off wrapped around Labor Day, and even though I'll be staying home, I'm very excited to just hang out at my house and try my hardest to relax. Depends on how how it will be.

I've also been listening to a lot of Christian talk radio as of late. I enjoy it, but at the same time, I am constantly convicting myself and tend to get a little worried. I keep trying to remind myself that we are forgivem have faith, we are new creatures in Christ, but man, these guys on the radio can really drag you down sometimes and make people like me worry about everything.

To be honest, and I've said it before, sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss. Now that I know the Lord and the Good News, there is a battle that rages on between my spiritual and secular side, and we all know that Satan just loves to whisper in our ears. He reminds me he's around, stalking me constantly, the first to point out when I trip.

Maybe it's just me, but when I trip or stumble, I really feel that Satan really lets me know this. But Jesus is a little more subtle and not as forward when he lifts me back up or tries to support me. I wish it were reveresed, but whose issue is that? Mine? Dunno.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that it is (unfortunately) always harder to see the good things in our lives - the bad seems to make itself known in the most dramatic ways... It's not just you... If the talk radio is making you feel more worried about the world around you, I'll say the obvious - STOP listening. Sometimes it is nice just to deal with one's immediate concerns and not take on the weight of the world...
Good that you are heading in to get a check-up. Really be your own advocate here and don't let your Dr. downplay any concerns you have. Push for a colonoscopy - it would be good for you to know if there is something more at hand than an ulcer or fissure... I can't stress the importance of making sure you get your questions answered by your Dr. enough.
I myself had a medical scare this summer in the form of a lump under my arm... we were out of the area at the time and I couldn't do anything about getting it checked until we returned home. I wasted far too much energy worrying about it and when I finally got it checked it turned out to be nothing, but I had to push to be seen, and push for answers... For some reason, many Dr's today seem hesitant to actually do the necessary tests - insurance issues, costs and so on being behind it, I guess. SO, just go in there and make sure you get your answers - maybe even make a list of concerns before your appt. so that you don't forget an item of concern... Best wishes.