August 23, 2010

It was a warm one

Well, the mild weather we've been having as of late has finally broke and are heat wave is here, albeit a bit late this summer. Our neighboorhood starting at around last Thursday has been warm enough now to finally run the A/C. According to the weatherman we can expect this heat (mid 90's) for the majority of this week as well.

The thing about the tends to make us all just a bit crankier than usual, it has the ability to suck all our energy out of our system, and it tends to make us stay home more. That last one is not a bad thing, we just don't want to be ouut in the heat, so I suppose that saves us some money, although what we save we'll probably spend on the A/C bill in a few weeks.

So things have seemed relatively normal (at least normal for us) this week which is kinda nice change of pace and mental scenery. Just some tidbits of this last week:

  • I did stay at work all week long. Tempted as I was, I didn't go home early or take any time off despite being bored out of my skull most of the time. Got bills to pay.
  • I did put in a formal request for Sep. 2nd & 3rd off. My wife will be out of town for a few days, and this will allow me to hang out at my house to just do some 'me' things. Most likely work on one of my models. I'll play a video game, catch up on some movies, and try my best to relax. I may even invite my father out one day for lunch and even do some more 'purging' of household items.
  • My dog turned 5 last week. I have mixed emotions about this event. I love him so very, very much....more than I can ever express without sounding insane and insensitive to my family. But the fact is, his life is about 1/3rd over and I'm so so scared of that final day. He got a peanut butter cake and a toy.
  • I finished the novel "The Art of Racing in the Rain". Loved it, although the overall tone was sad. Now I splurged yesterday (didn't tell my wife I spent $8, after coupon) and bought myself a new science fiction book I am very excited to start today at lunch.
  • I didn't drink at all this weekend. I haven't being feeling to well...most likely the heat and my low energy level, so there was no craving for beer or booze, and I feel just fine.
  • I did go to church yesterday. It was a bit longer than usual. I'm not crazy about the songs, and there was two more than usual yesterday, but the message was very, very good, and somewhat convicting. It's quite obvious to me and the man in the mirror that additional changes need to be made, once I find the courage and energy to take the first step.
  • A friend confided in me that he and his wife are seperating as a trial. He had an affair 3 years ago, and while his wife forgave him, he hasn't forgiven himself. He is hurting in his shame and feels unworthy in the eyes of the Lord. He came to me and I tried to counsel him the best I could, also sharing some of my own secrets and feelings about my own marriage and my struggle with depression. Hopefully we will meet up this upcoming weekend and I can witness to him. God please give me the right words and the right ears to listen and give yoru advice, and not the advice of the world.
  • A prayer of mine was answered this last week. A relative, an agnostic one that I've been praying for for years, surprised me by sending me a financial strings attached. It was enough to cover some shortcomings in our household finances and truly a Godsend.
  • It was too hot for the gym this weekend. I feel like I should have gone, but I just had no energy.
  • My wife and I are getting along fine this past week, kinda like we used to so early on in our marriage. I like it. This relaxes me and puts me in a state of calm. Thank you Jesus.
  • I desire a road trip. I'm hoping next year, maybe even early on, say late March or early April my wife and I can take a driving vacation for a week. Not sure exactly sure where. If we had more money I'd love to fly to the east coast. I really want to see things out there, but I'm just not sure we afford it at that time.
  • Although it's only Monday....I feel good right now. Here's hoping this last for a week and ahlaf before my time off.

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