March 18, 2009

Hives again

I've been a little stressed out again lately....well, seeing that I'm waking up anywhere between 4am and 5am and feel as if there is a woundup softball behind my sternum, I'd garner to say I've been very stressed out as of late.

My wife is once again making irresponsible financial blunders that is resulting in the bank sending her bounced check notices and the credit card companies calling a few times day looking for her in which she ignores. Couple all this with tax season around the corner, property taxes due, and continued layoffs at my workplace, I broke out in hives a few days ago. My hands are completly swollen right now and itch like crazy.

Even my extended family has made certain observations in which prompted my sister in law to have a mild intervention with me. What was really nice was the fact that she took her time in crafting me a wonderful email that was fair, balanced and has my best interests at heart. And I believe every word of hers.

I haven't gone to church much the last few weeks and I don't really have a good answer as to why.

I've also been trying to distract myself in other ways, perhaps as an escape to the reality that is my life. I've been searching for new hobbies, been engrossed in books and gadgets, and doing just about anything I can to not deal with my home life situation. I've been doing a lot of writing lately, although it hasn't been directed here, and I'm seemingly having a hard time putting cohesive words and thoughts together. That's most likely why I haven't been updating here as much as of late...I'm really having a hard time putting things together right now.

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