September 22, 2008

Tired & Sore

Last week was a little rough at work.

Some pretty un-assuming and relatively easily engineered hardware kep breaking and breaking and breaking. It caused me a lot of personal frustration as I really have no explanations that would adequetly explain the breakages, and it seemed everytime I was able to get one piece working, another piece elsewhere would break.

Because the company I work for not only is behind the 8-ball of technological standards, they resist spending any additional monies (in lieu of the current economy) to fix things. They really seem to be of a cultural mindset of squeezing every last penny they can out of something before replacing, and thus I find myself constantly just patching things over and over...never really 'fixing' them...just buying additional time.

It came to a head last week where I was mentally drained and physically tired. I figure I walked so much last week on our various campuses attempting to repiar things I had to put miles upon miles on my legs and feet.

The accumaltive effect was I was dead tired to the world this weekend. I barely had energy to do laundry so going to the gym was out of the question. By saturday morning my whole body ached...lower back, calves, and the soles of my feet.

Even this morning, I could barely wake-up, and easily could have stayed in bed not only longer, but even wanted to stay home from work....but I knew I was needed today. I managed to grab a large cup of coffee this morning, and that seems to have had little effect. I'm still tired and feel like I could easily nap in my chair. My legs and feet are still sore, and I even got a rare knot/charlie horse in one of my calfs yesterday.

I managed to make it to church yesterday and it was good. It was very nice that two of the men came up to me after service and said they were praying for me and my 'situation' with my wife, which made me feel good.

Things on the marriage front have been good this last week as well, despite the fact that my wife is experiencing her monthly biological cycle that began Friday. At least knowing this ahead of time, I've more or less stayed cleared of her and have tried to be extra nice. The only time I sorta got mad was when I told her my friend was coming over saturday to play a game with me. She gave me a face like 'Really? I don't want any company over today.' Well, not to sound too insensitive, but too bad. You know how many times I am surprised at the last minute by people showing up at our house when I'm never consulted? When I'm not really in the mood for company? So...she can just deal with it this time as I have dozens of time before. She ended up going to our room early that evening and watching TV as we played Rock Band for a while.

Speaking of which, that was a very nice surprise for me. I mentioned to my friend the other day that I'd like to buy Rock Band, but because my wife and I recently had a talk about finances, I feel a little guilty going out and buying a $60 game. Well, wouldn't you know....he comes over Saturday night and hands me the game...Yes, he went out and bought it for me. I am still astounded and I can't believe he did that. It made me feel very good in knowing my friend thought of me like that and bought something he knew I desired that we could enjoy together. I'm wierd this way, but his stock in my life just went way up. It's amazing that the little things like that can define who a true friend really is, and he now has a personal loyalty from me that I can't explain.

The reason I bring this up is to point out that as a Christian we often judge those who aren't. Of course I know a lot of fine, outstanding Christians, but ocassionaly even some non-believers really impress me more so with their unselfishness and genuine nature more so that many Christians do. Sometimes my non-Christain friends actually treat me with a deeper compassion and bondship than those I go to church with. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here. Perhaps it's the fact that non-christains have the ability to move me...or the most unlikely people end up doing the most.

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