Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
Well, they said it was time for changing
Rise and shine
Everybody's making it, but you
And they told you to trust your dreaming
But it's hard to believe a feeling
That you just don't know
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
You've been trying to walk on water
In the end everybody
Walked all over you
Now, you don't like the sight of mirrors
Cause you're scared that the face
You'll see, will look just like before"
- excerpts from 'Satellites', by September.
Let me first say, in case you are wondering (and I suspect a few of you are), that the angels in this song are not referring to heavenly/spiritual angels of God, but to people we think are super special here on earth, and come to find out, they have issues just like everyone else does, because they are in fact human.
Now that that is out of the way, I wanted to share this song with you. If you ever get a chance to hear it, please try to, a few times. One time listen to the lyrics (I didn't post them all here), then the next, listen to the 'music'...that's right, listen to the melody and the beat and the synthesizers. It's actually an upbeat tune...it should be...it's on the European and American dance charts.
So why did I post this song? Well, I suppose number one, I cannot get it out of my head the last few days, and maybe the only reason for that is that I am 'meant' to share it. I dunno. I also think because the lyrics speak so much to me...."Don't you cry, because you're crawling, Start again, it's a beautiful morning" How cliche, but how true indeed!!
When I was going through my depression, my mother bought me a gospel CD. She believed that the words and music, even if I wasn't really paying attention, would help me on a subconscious level to lift my spirits. I'm not so sure about that, but I can't deny the idea or logic behind it.
I do know that music does indeed have an effect on me.
When I was into weightlifting before my surgeries, certain genres of music or certain songs really got my adrenaline pumping. I swear I could lift an extra 10 lbs, or I had an extra set in me if I was listening to something with a lot of energy.
Certain songs also made me feel invincible. Who can deny the Rocky Theme when about to undergo some physical test? Or maybe "I can't drive 55" when getting behind the wheel of a fast car. The Superman Theme and the Imperial March (from Star Wars) always made me feel a few inches taller and my stride much more solid.
The same is for depression and happiness. I'm happy to say, for the most part, I have been more at peace with life in general the last few weeks than I had been before for years. Sure, there are those few news stories and topical incidents that can put a minor damper on things, and I'm not around skipping or throwing daisies in the air...but I do feel better overall.
I'm sure that God has much to do with this, but if it isn't spiritual, then I know the immediate effects of music.
One of the reason's 'Satellites' resonates with me so much now is that I sit in my car, twice a day, in traffic for about 30 minutes each way, to and from work. During that time I figure I'm enclosed in my little glass and steel shell, and what better way than to surround myself with upbeat and energetic music? One nice thing about my car is that I have an 8 speaker system (including 2, 10" sub woofers) I listen to XM radio, specifically the BPM channel...dance music 24x7. I crank my stereo up, and before you know it I am in my own Flash Dance session!.
I am surrounded by beats and thumps and strong vocal. The energy pours out of my speakers, and my soul is like a sponge and I try and gather each drop. When I get out of my car I feel a few years younger. I feel like I can lift those weights again! I feel 'okay' with the world and those within it. And I thank God above for these artists talents, and the ears that I am given to hear them. I thank God for the serotonin released within my head.
Go ahead....Try it....Let loose just once....who cares what the others driving next to you think. For those few minutes, you are at the concert of your choice, and it's just you. Turn it up...Sing...Make a joyful noise in His honor. Let the music penetrate your every pore and feel good about it for a few minutes.
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