God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:25)
I'm not sure why God has placed it upon my heart and soul as of late, but I have become somewhat more sensative towards animals, more specifically, common pets. I guess because of their social connection with people as a learned trait we as humans have cultivated over the centuries.
While I do think about wild animals, and their plights, I guess I am more empathetic to domesticaed animals with a higher degree of emotion and intelligence like dogs and cats. That's not to say I don't appreciate a nice fish tank, or those with reptiles, or even birds....but there is something about dogs and cats that just seemed more evolved on an emotional and reasoning plane than other domesticated animals. I suppose the same could be said for horses and other mammals, but because of their size, and my little exposure to them I don't have the same connection with them. I suppose that could and would change if I worked at a stable, or grew up on a farm, but that's all hypothetical.
I puzzle at God's initial plan and design of animals. With humans, we are of one species divided amongst many races. But in the end we are but one species, and God gave us dominion over all animals, sea life, birds, etc. But we fell into sin, whereas I think animals are incapable of sin. Their actions are based upon instincts that are hard-wired from the Creator. Scientists have further gone on to determine that some animals (and insects) have higher brain functions than others, and even have some semblance of basic emotions....not to the complexity of human beings. They may experience fear, anger, desire, survival, etc...but not things such an envy, jealousy, betrayel, lust, etc.
I am further puzzled that God once said he was displeased with his creations prior to deciding to flood the earth in the time of Noah. Other than those creatures that made the trip on the ark, it is said that God wiped out ALL living things. I can understand the demise of wretched human, who were of sin nature, but I cannot fathom his dire sentence cast upon animals. What did they do wrong? I do not believe God makes mistakes, so why was he displeased? Seems rather harsh to me, and I cannot even begin to process this to make a justifcation on His behalf. I just accept it as truth based upon my faith.
As a child, I never had a dog. I had a few fish, a few parakeets, even a hamster. They were fine pets, but I never felt reciprocation of love and comfort from any of them....well, maybe my hamster was the closest thing to showing me some response, but all in all I never experienced what movies and books and poems and more describe as 'mans best friend' or a bond with an animal. I even grew up not caring for cats that much. To me, they were lazy, full of attitude, smelt like amonia, and their dander made my eyes water and my nose stuffed. Like most men, I didn't have a positive reaction when shown a cat.
While I am still not their biggest fans, my stance has definetly softened, and I do look at them somewhat differently today.
When I was on my medications.....and in emotional turmoil....and feeling abandoned by my friends, my family (which weasn't true....it just felt that way), and God (also not true...but still I felt alone) it was my dog that sat on my lap when I cried for hours at a time. He did not judge me...all he knew was his master was hurt, that something was not right, and while he could not talk to me...his actions and his demeanor spoke volumes. I may not have always recognized it at the time for I was spiritually in shambles, but now when I look back I cannot help but realize that my dog was there as a companion, to weather my own personal storm by my side when no one else could. People wanted to always talk to me in cliches, give me upbeat speeches, platitudes on life and 'master plans', and all these things did not do much for me at all.
It was the unsaid words, the silent actions of my dog, who curled up next to me and kissed my hand and wagged his tail between my sobs who sometimes jolted me out of sinking even further. It was during these moments, my bond strengthened with my dog even more so than that of friends and family members....even to this day.
It is with these actions that my thought process of animals and their role in Gods overall plan changed. For all my life I thought of animals as either 'cute' pets, or food, or organic machines of labor....never as an extension of my own soul and emotion. While I once read about clinical studies of animals and the sick and elderly and benefits derived from animal visits, I never once experienced this myself first hand and could identify their theraputic effects.
But in those certain moments now, when all is quiet, and my dog looks at me, or sits in my lap, or follows me about the house, or begs for my attention....when he does have my attention and I look within him, I swear I see and feel the strength and love of God that He has imbued within this animal. It's as if I see beyond his eyes, and peer into something I can't just put into words.
To be continued......