The last few months seems like it has been one continous trial after another for me. Many times, it seems as if the the lines get blurred between issues and I often wonder how I do it. Better yet, am I actually doing 'it' at all?
Two days ago my anxiety seemed to have crept back up. The last week I have awoken every day before dawn, and the first thing I think of is work. That's inherently wrong, and stressful.
I took a clonzapem the other day to help alleviate the tightness in my chest. Work has taken a toll on me emotionally and mentally. And as a result, like my past episodes of depression, I have taken these troubles home and they have affect my home life. My relationship with my wife, and even my own overall hapiness.
I've spent numerous hours in prayer, almost a contsant non-stop vigile in prayer about everything. Of course myself, but also my family, my friends, world situations, friends of friends, and non-believers as well. Sometimes so much I wonder if I just sound like I'm babbling. My prayers sometimes run together and I even begin to lose my train of thought.
Last week it was so tough at work, I was so close to walking out, but realizing that it would cause only momentary relief, I also was rational enough to know I need a job with a mortgage and other bills. So I did the next best thing....I updated my resume yet again and sent them out.
Jesus knows I am unhappy in my current role, and its slowly but surely killing me. Robbing days if not weeks off of my mortal life with the mounting pressures. My mother relates to me a sad story a week or so back about a young man, married, who committed suicide because of external pressures. My dad also recently recounted a tragic story with no real answers of a young single lady from our family church who also committed suicide the other day. I'd be lying if I didn't say I secretly understand them. I'm also starting to believe despite Catholic doctrine that suicide is not an 'unforgiveable' sin.
Then the phone rang twice this past week. I had been selected for two interviews. The calls came shortly after I was about to lose my fuse at work. God is indeed answering me, and showing light at the end of the tunnel. Oh how I look forward to the day I can leave my current position for something far less stressful.
Both interviews went extremely well, despite me calling in sick, So well in fact that one called me yesterday to let me know they will be extending an offer to me this week. The other also called and wants me to come in for a second interview next week.
Now I have the potential to decide between two offers. Offers that were not available to me the last 7 months. Perhaps it took this long in God's timing that I be humbled and reminded that things could be much worse.
Of course I am still awaiting the formal offers, and nothing is set in stone until a letter of intent is presented to me, and I in turn sign it. It is both scary and a blessing at the same time. I'm scared because there is always a gut wrenching feeling of "Am I truly making the right decsion?" "Will things be better if I throw caution to the wind?" "Did God present these to me to show me that he is listening and realizes that I am that unhappy and showing me a way out?"
I believe this is indeed a blessing. I think God wanted me to exhaust every avenue I could in dealing with my current situation, but in the end realizing I cannot do it without Him, and that I had to put my trust into Him.
Again, even this morning, I had little sleep. Stress still gets to me, and I awoke at 4:15am to find myself once again in prayer asking Jesus to calm my spirit and quiet my mind. Yesterday was another tough day at work, and I was glad to leave. I then however reminded myself of these possible offers and it did change my outlook for today. I promised myself that I would not allow my current employers to have power over me like they have been. Oh, I am still doing my work, and I will do it good for as long as I am here....that's my nature. But I am looking forward to the day soon in which I can resign and take a week off to collect my thoughts and relax.
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