May 02, 2014

6 months

You often hear the phrase "Time flies, especially when you get older.", and it struck me particularly true the last few days.

I'm about to write my 6th alimony check to my ex, and I can't believe it's already been 6 months.  That actually stuns me and I have caught myself a few times now over the past few days stopping myself in thought and then mentally counting backwards to February, 2013.

Wow.  Where did these past 6 months go?


While in the midst of our seperation, it seemed to take forever.  Each day seemed like two, each week seemed closer to a month, and I can recall begging the universe that this ordeal just needs to end already.

It had been quite a turbulent year, 2013,  And the holidays and early part of 2014 wasn't the exact calm I was looking for either, although 'dramatic' events have receded to calmer shores.  Oh, there is still crap....tomorrow is my grandfather's estate sale and we still have quite a bit to do to get his house redy for sale in the coming weeks.  But for all intents and purposes, things don't seem to open up for me until July.

But even so, I still can't believe it's been six months.

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