The lack of immediate repsonse from her meant one of three things to me:
- She hadn't checked her email.
- Her cell phone was either out of range or dead.
- She didn't care.
I won't go into all the nonsensical details, but the gist of it was I was "screwing her...but she's used to it because that's all I do now."
Yes, I am mad at that statement...and frustrated...but now I have to laugh at it. I just have to. It shows me (yet again) she hasn't really changed to the core, she's still in denial after a year, and what selective and revisionist history she has.
So I ask, did I screw her when:
- She left against all families advice to the contrary?
- She was let go from her job for performance related issues?
- She told the neighbors she is paying my bills?
- She accused my female friends of having an affair with me?
- When she lied about having a girls night out locally, but ended up in Vegas with another man?
- When I paid her taxes last year when she said she would pay for them herself?
- When she ran her credit cards into the ground so as collection agencies call her?
- When she called my mother out of the blue and cursed her out while drunk?
- When her first marriage failed?
- She chose happy hour over our Anniversary?
- When she told the lawer I am not giving her access to her belongings, even though I took the time to box them up, and request that she pick them up multiple times?
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