*Sigh*...I had to prepare a 4 page rough draft and provide to my lawyer a document on "all things fair and equal". In other words a line by line, item by item list of all major/minor appliances, furniture sets, decor, collections, and everything in between on what I think is fair market value, what I am willing to give up, and what I am willing to negotiate for or split 'fairly'.
I am being very liberal, and if my wife is smart, she will not fight me and realize I am actually being more than fair, handing over things to her that I don't really care about or have no energy to squabble over.
The time to do this is now as well, as her funds are dried up, and all things considered probably doesn't have the money to drag this out or want lengthy court costs. If she wants to be petty, argumentative, or vindictive, it's gonna cost her money she just doesn't have.
And I know her parents do not want to store any of her stuff (hence the reason it is still in my garage). So either they will have to capitulate, or she will have to rent a storage unit....an additional cost she cannot afford.
I urged my lawyer to review as soon as possible, contact me with any concerns, additions, subtractions, etc....but that we (I) need to get this show on the road and get this over with. I am entering my 8th month now, and I really need to start my life again.
I need to know what my financial future holds and if I do indeed have to pay alimony, let me start now so I can have it over (4 years) as soon as possible.
My friends and family are encouraging me, standing by me, supporting me. My faith on the spiritual side is a bit more complex....some days are better than others, His will be done. Christmas is only 4 weeks away, so I need to prepare myself for the emotional storm that is ahead of me if Thanksgiving was any indication on how hard things will be.
One day at a time.....One day at a time.
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