I was so tired yesterday that I couldn't make it much past 9pm. I tried watching MaterChef and caught myself dozing at around 920, so I put myself to bed. But it was warm. Even with ceiling fans and open windows, my thermostat upstairs was reading 87 degrees.
So I slept on top of the bed, only to be aoken once again by my dog at 4:45am.
I also notcied that my hands were a bit swollen and I had some more welts on my left arm in addition to my palms itching and irritated. Looks like the fatigue, heat, and stress are causing my Uticaria to flare up again so I made an appointment with the Dr. today.
The good news is that I get to leave work at 1pm today for a 1:30 appointment. And since it is only 2 blocks from my house, I dhould be home by 2pm today. Yay!!
I'll open up the house, get some air going through there and spend some time with my dog and working on a model of mine.
I needed a good arse kicking yesterday, and thanks to 'Anon' for pointing somethings out to me I needed to hear again. Yup, I started grwoing my cajones...then misplaced them for a few days...Need to dust them back off and re-attach.
I'm thinking of taking myself to see SpiderMan then this afternoon. There's a showing at both 3:30 & 4:30. May keep me out of the heat and give me time to pick up my steroids later at teh local CVS.
Also debating on going to another group tonight at the nearby mega-church. They have a men's meeting for 'seperated' men that starts at 7pm (until 9). They also have a 13 week workshop for those wanting to work through their divorces. Boy....I never heard of these things before, and now it's as if I have too many choices. I'll probably call first to get info, 'cause I'm not sure which one may fit me better. I can't imagine the one that meets tonight all that different from my co-dependancy meetings....in other words...if it's just another open share group, I think I'll pass. Not to sound uncaring, but I already know where my pain and hurt is, not sure I want to hear about others that I already hear on Friday nights as well. Could just be doubling up on the same mounatin of pain, and that is not healthy for me.
Tomorrow evening I meet my mom and her friend for dinner, so it seems as if I have the next two days planned out for me.
Saturday my friend want me to go to dinner with him at this world famous cajun restaraunt about an hour away. I think I may do that as well.
Today is my SIL's b-day. She turns 45. I did wish her a happy birthday and she thanked me, bit other than that, no other discussions took place.
While I was walking my dog yesterday, one of the 2 female nighbors actually waved at me. That's a first in a long time. Then literally 20 seconds later the second one drove by (no joke)...this time I tried to wave first....she saw me...and just blew by as if I was invisble. I had mixed feelings: Part of me chuckled on how stupid and immature she is acting, then part of me just looked back down to the ground in disgust and apathy.
Oh well, 2.5 hours left before I leave.
Hope your appointment went well and that you'll get some relief from your skin troubles... and hope this is the same Dr. that you talk to about RX's for anxiety etc. If you have A/C, treat yourself to some in the evening to cool things down enough so as not to aggravate your condition... and yes, I know you're trying to keep expenses down, but this is your health. You're worth it.
You can always try out these other meetings and see if they fit - if not, don't go again. Support networks are a good thing, and you never know, you could make a new friend, too... but as you mention, too much of the touchy-feely could put you into overload. Just listen to yourself, and you'll know what is right for you...
Glad my comment didn't come across as too harsh - was a bit worried I'd see a request for no more comments from me.
Keep busy, but don't overdo it - you still need time to reenergize, and get to know yourself again.
On the contrary...I like your comments a lot. It really helps me as sorta a litmus test, or to see things from a different perspective or things I may have forgotten.
Keep 'em coming.
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