"Then Saul said to Samuel, “ I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice." (1 Samuel 15:24)
I heard this yesterday while watching Joel Osteen on TV and it really struck a chord with me. How many times does God give us a command, or lesson, or advice, or whatever.....and we do what is pleasing to mankind instead, because we want to be accepted and liked by everyone in our personal circles?
I'm guilty of this, and in the end no matter how many people your try and please, you always end up making someone mad. As the saying goes "You can't please everyone." Yes, so if we know that, why then don't we please the Lord first? In the end, no one else grants me permission into heaven except Him. He shows me ultimate mercy and foregivness, while people do not. I am solely responsible to Him at the end of the day, not my neighbors, not my friends, not my family.
So why? Because we want to please others. We want others to like us. To accept us. To continue to call us and ask us to hang out with them. But really, is this the best course of action. In some cases...it is not. We put the acceptance of others before the acceptance of God.
Anyway, just something to ponder.
This weekend was upbeat for me. I actually got a lot done and was productive and was still able to find the time for enough fun, and the result: I didn't think about my wife once. I went to the gym both days, walked my dog, had an afternoon with friends, went out to eat, grocery, laundry, clean, games, etc. Men's group on Saturday. All in all it was an above average weekend.
But today, I'm back to business. I feel prepared now to fill out my financials for my lawyer. Earlier today I spent some time making digital copies of all my CC statements, utility bills, pay stubs, mortgage statement, insurance doucments, and the like....all so that I can promptly fill out (to the best of my ability) everything this week.
I think my wife will be shocked to learn how well I have everything documented....right down to the check number and date thinsg were mailed. My wife takes horrible records and misplaces all this kind of stuff, so hopefully it will be difficult for her to assemble any counter documents. And even if she did, hers will show late payments, missed payments, and the like.
Sure, I might have one or two pieces missing...but it's just a matter of time before I can get copies or next months statements to make my case even more accurate. I hope that if I can get this prepared by Thursday, I will drop them off on Friday for his review, and then we can move onto the next phase next week.
In the meantime...wife still has no job. So she's been at her new location for 9-10 weeks now, and nothing. Well, unless you count all the late fees and penalties she's currently wracking up for the stuff in her name. I will be genuinely surprised if she doesn't declare personal bankruptcy in the coming months at this rate. I just don't see how she can dig herself out unless her parents come to her aid, but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. Her sister did tell me though that her Facebook pictures show her this past weekend hanging out drinking some monster margaritas. Her sister is just fuming mad at her....how she can be so stupid.
Oh well.
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