Today is day 8 since my wife left.
My step-daughter is supposedly returning tonight, which has left me alone for 5 very lonely days at home.
I met with my therapist yesterday for the 1st time. A guy. A Baptist who is also not afraid to talk about God/Christ which I suppose is a blessing for me.
I broke down. I walked in to his office with I thought was some resolve and a tinge of hostility that had been building the last few days within me, but with 10 minutes of talking to him, I could no longer hold back, and the eyes teared up again. I wonder if my wife cries?
As a Christian, I am supposed to forgive, and I have to the best of my ability. But I'll be honest in saying yesterday I hurt so bad, that I wished that she would feel bad as well. Even if it's a quarter of the pain I feel, I'm ashamed to say I wanted her to hurt as well. That is so wrong, but in some twisted way I just want her to feel like her heart got stomped on.
I sent her an email this morning, along with some copies of some of her bills that have come to the house. I've been asked by people to take care of myself, to try and detach, to pick up the pieces of my life and to move on until she makes a move. It's very, very hard and easier said than done.
I miss her so much....but I don't know why. It's been a less than stellar relationship for the past two years and I think I have tried everything I could have to save it. But that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving her, no matter how many times family and friends told me she treats me like crap. Am I glutton for punishment? Am I really that sick in co-dependency myself that I can't see a brighter tomorrow, or that there is grass on the other side of the fence, or light at the end of the tunnel?
I feel as if ten years of my existence are slowly fading to black and I ahev no control of the dial. No, I'm not going to burn her pictures up, or tear them up in some theatrical scene. I'm just not that type of person. I don't hate her, nor do I despise her. But I can't explain the amount of lingering pain I feel day in and day out right now either. Perhaps it's fear of the unknown and uncharted.
Anyway, I told her I was praying for her and for me yet again. I didn't even bring up alcohol. I just told her I started seeing a therapist and that I pray that God softens her resolve. I didn't ask her if she misses me, or wants a divorce, or when she thinks she may come back. I didn't ask if she's having a good time or what she's up to. I think I'm afraid to know the answer.
Imagine my surprise when I received an email response back stating she wants to talk to me tonight on the phone. She ended the letter by signing off "Love always.", but I can't help but think that's the kiss of death. In my mind I've already jumped to the conclusion she's going to try and let me down easy or tell me it's over. I have no proof of that, but I can't help but feel that it's coming. That's 3 hours from now....the next thee hours is going to be hell.
You're in a tough place...
Sounds like you're wanting her to sort-of leave you with some hope of a reconciliation... You've talked in a number of previous posts about her punishing you, holding grudges etc. I'm thinking that you're at that place (especially via a phone call) where she might lead you on to believe it, only to let you down again...
I know that Dr. Phil has a saying that applies to way too many relationship issues - "A leopard doesn't change his spots..." This little snipit from one of his message boards caught my attention" - "One thing you need to do is realize a leopard doesn't change his spots! You need to decide just what behavior you are wiling to accept. You don't sound like a stupid person, but your actions show you know better, you just appear to be willing to put up with this behavior as long as you can stay married."
Just remember, you deserve to be LOVED & TREATED w/RESPECT!!
Dig deep, find the strength you need - you can deal with this.
Thank you so much Anon.
I actually came back because I just read Chap 7 in "Life's Healing Choices." and logically in my mind I understand what you, my friends, and family are saying.
It's my heart that is truly having an issue right now. I think I am so scared and unprepared to accept the fact that I'm probably going to need to start over.
I know that my wife's behaviors are probably not going to change, but I continously hope that God is going to swoop in here in overtime and change her heart.
In a way, I suppose you're right about my thoughts on hope of reconciliation. Like I said in the post, I don't understand why I am a glutton for punishment...I truly want to see the best in every situation...looking through rose colored glasses...but I know I'm not fooling anyone....I'm the ONLY person looking through said glasses.
I appreciate your candid honesty and you've really helped me in ways you probably won't understand, but do look forward to all your comments and take them to heart.
However, I expect just the opposite from the phone call tonight. I am actually expecting, (sadly), for her to tell me she has decided it is over herself and doesn't want to try and salvage anything. I think the idea of new friends, away from family and responsbility and common sense is just too attractive for her right now.
Hang in there. Let us know how it turns out.
Praying for your release from anxiety.
- Jamie
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