November 08, 2011

Eyesight is going on me

The last few days, I have forgotten my eye-glasses at home.

And now that I don't have them with me, they are more missed than ever.

When did my reading ability get so hazy?  It's as if when I turned 40 years old, God flipped yet another switch within my body and has allowed for my once 20/15 eyes to get very tired and fuzzy.  The cruelty of it all is that: A) I love to read, and B) I started building models about a year or so back and my eyes are needed more than ever.

I'm really noticing my issues today as I got a new textbook to begin studying for an exam I wish to take in a few months on convergence technologies.  I cracked the book open today, and noted that my eyes are both very fatigued in feeling, and appropriate reading distance from my face....everything is becoming increasingly blurry.

It's a little disconcerting, to say the least.  At this rate, it'll be sooner rather than later, that I will need to wear reading glasses full time, or opt for surgery.  Just a Godly reminder that our bodies...our earthly temples...are not perfect, but finite, and as in all things in the circle of life...they too have begun to show their age and break down slowly with each passing day.

That's the irony of it all...a sick joke the universe plays out.  Musicians who lose their hearing, Master Chefs that lose their sense of smell, engineers who lose their dexterity, and those of us who read and observe the world through our eyes....begin to lose our sight.

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