I really don't often get the chance to minister or evangelize to my wife, nor am I sure I am mature enough in Christ to find the exact words, or qualified to be handing out sage advice knowing my past troubles, insecurities, and without looking like a hypocrite.
That's one thing that has been a self-stumbling block of mine for years and it oxymoronic when I think about it. My own pride and whats left of my ego prevents me from standing out in a crowd in fear of being labeled a hypocrite, for I am quite aware of my short comings. I'm probably more conscious of my faults than anyone else and self-judgemental, and I always have this inner dialogue reprimanding myself "Who is going to listen to you...when you yourself are so unworthy and are a sinner?"
That's something I will have to work out on my own I suppose...in time.
Anyway, my wife came in from the neighborhood BBQ, a little tipsy, but in tears. It was late, and I had already removed myself from the party a few hours earlier, just looking for a nice hot shower and some sound sleep. Instead, I found I got very little sleep at all.
God does indeed work in mysterious ways, and just now as I write this do I realize that once again, it is in His timing, not mine.
There is an individual on my street that is a self proclaimed atheist. Even before I knew she was, I told my wife once when she asked what my issue was with her (because I guess she sensed my overly cautious stance with the neighbor), I simply said that my 'spider-sense' was tingling...that I could not put my finger on it, but be careful. "You can be be friends with her, but guard your words." My wife thought I was a little too protective and had no basis for my feelings. Then we found out she was a very adamant and outspoken (usually under the right circumstances....alcohol involved) atheist.
So my wife walks into our bedroom at about midnight in tears. I ask what is wrong, but I can tell alcohol is involved as my wife speech was slightly off. She went on to explain she had a falling out with the neighbor this evening, and that the neighbor had made some very unfounded, unfair, and harsh generalizations about my wife's friendship with her, our marriage, and placed my wife in the middle of some 'warring' neighbors.
It's not important or even relevant to as why two sets of neighbors are warring, just that my wife and I have taken a neutral stance...not wanting to get involved...because it's not our place, we don't want to pick side on something we don't know about, and we don't want to add fuel to the fire. I tell my wife that is why I remove myself sometimes from these neighborhood situations, because though I may be silent and in the background, I see and observe things that don't sit well with me and I can see the tension that no one else can.
My wife feels that she has lost a friend, and not sure even what happened, and why this neighbor was so 'mean' and condemning. I tried to calm her down the best way I could, and remind her it's late, it was hot outside, people were drinking, and people say things they don't really mean under these circumstances. (Personally, I am not positive this person was ever my wife's 'friend' to begin with....just someone who uses her.)
My wife wanted to go back and rip into this person, but I rationally explained that it would make her look vindictive, add more fuel to the fire, and not accomplish anything in the end, other than give the neighbor one more reason to abhor Christians. All we can do is sit tight, hold your head up high, sleep on it, guard your words and actions, and pray.
I told my wife I had been praying for this neighbor all week....not necessarily to be our friend, but for her salvation. I may not see eye-to-eye, or like being around this person, but that doesn't mean I want to see her in hell. I am commanded by Christ to pray for her soul, and try not to judge, but through our examples lead her to God. Easier said than done, but never give up. (Funny I say 'never give up', when I myself wanted to throw in the towel so many times before.)
I went further to explain some of the observations I have witnessed over the last few weeks and months and it all seemed to make sense to my wife, like a light went on inside her head, and she started to see how events unfold over time and that this person is a cause for strife and anxiety and a divider. I equated these actions to the actions of Satan, how he tries to divide us, to confuse us, to take the things we hold sacred (like friendships) and when the moment is right....STRIKE. I explained the reason she was here crying now and the other person wasn't was that because my wife has some semblance of the spirit inside her, and because she cares. That's what separates her from others, like me....I cry as a man because people let me down, and I get sad, and I care...too much at times.
To be continued....
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