A young mans struggle and perspective on his life and his faith. Reconnecting and rediscovering God's special plan in the face of personal solitude, depression, and your typical Monday mornings.
March 19, 2007
A double-minded man

March 12, 2007
Depression - Medictated Continued (part 6)
I was pretty on-track for the most part, taking my 'meds' like a good little boy. The doctor suggested I start with 5mg at first, and during the first few weeks I suppose I was trying to be very aware of any changes taking place. So I waited.
And I waited.
After a at least a week or so I wasn't so sure anything was happening. I didn't feel any better emotionally, more embarrased and ashamed that I was now taking pills for some 'mental issues' I have no idea how they started or why they seemed to be getting out of control.
I revisited the doctor and he asked me how things were. He took my blood pressure, a blood sample, and spoke to me more. I alternated between very fidgety to feeling like giving up, and I think he sensed this as well since he upped my dosage to 10mg a day now. I was also taking the Clonzapen either daily or every other day to relax. Now that my dosage went up, I was afraid to tell my wife lest she began to think she married a crazy person, or my parents lest my mother go on some other tangent of who knows what that I don't want to deal with.
More weeks went by and maybe at best I felt 'stabilized' on occassion, but the depression was there and I couldn't think about when I was happy. It seemed that the word 'Happiness' somehow lost its meaning for me. I knew what the definition of Happiness is/was, and I had experienced joy on occasion, but not so much anymore, and that continues on even today.
Interlude: The reason I am continuing this today as I had a strange thought in my head a few hours ago. If someone were to ask me to rate my general 'happiness' on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best, I think my current answer would be a '4'. I'm not sure if I ever remember a true '10'...sure there was some 8's, some 9's, and on occasion a few 2's and 3's.....but overall...on average, I feel as if I am a solid 4. I wish it were higher, like a 6 or 7, but I haven't felt that in quite some time. :End Interlude
Some time had passed, perhaps just over a month, maybe a bit more and I was referred to see a clinical therapist. I hid that from everyone. I reluctantly went during a work day (I thinK i asked for a long lunch) and met with a gentleman who asked me a few questions. Within 10 minutes he was basically telling me I had the symptoms of ADHD or Bi-Polar disorder and asked me to look them up at home. Why? Why would I want to go home and read if I was crazy or not? But alas, I did. I think, with utmost certainty I can rule out ADHD (that was so insulting to me at the time), but in reading more about Bi-polarism, this seemed to make more sense:
Bipolar disorder (also called manic-depressive disorder) is an illness that causes extreme mood changes that alternate between manic episodes of abnormally high energy and the extreme lows of depression.
Bipolar disorder may cause behavior so severe that you may not be able to function at work, in family or social situations, or in relationships with others. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal.
I knew my mood swings were pretty pronounced, I was feeling depressed, I was having issues with sleeping, I was tired, I found social situations even with my spouse and family very tedious and irritating, and thoughts of suicide did occassionally creep up.
Great, now that I may be 'bi-polar', I wondered how did I get this way? Is it a punishment from God? Was Satan having a field day with me? Was it my rearing? My parents? My own personal standards never being met? Am I just a difficult person doomed to feeling perpetually inadequate and constantly nervous and anxious? It seemed I could only answer 'D': All of the above.
I was mad. Mad at the doctor who after 10 minutes came to these conclusions. How can anyone in 10 minutes make an assumption on over 30 years of my life, most of it bundled up within my own head. Was I angry because of his snap judgements on such a ludicrous meeting, or was I mad because maybe he was right? He wrote ADHD and Bipolar on a piece of paper and I walked out. I was in denial but could not throw that piece of paper away. It taunted me on one hand, again frustrating me, but it was also a tangible object that stared at me and said I was screwed up in the head.
Again, the torture for people with depression: How to I tell my wife? Will she understand? Will my family? Will I be perceived as weak? Mental? Will I take pills forever? Did God abandon me?
That one hit me the hardest:
Did God abandon me?
to be continued....
March 09, 2007
My eyes began to sting a little with the welling of tears when I read this. I'll have to meditate on this one a bit and work it out in my head.
March 07, 2007
Restless Night

Despite what I wrote yesterday in which my emotional state was more or less nuetral to upbeat, overnight my thoughts once again turned to paranoia and concern.
Despite some recent activity on the job search front....in which I go on interviews that seem promising...only to be held in a current 'holding pattern' on updates just goes to prove to me that my patience has not yet been dealt with.
After numerous days, weeks, months, years even of asking God to help me deal with timing and patience issues, I only awake to learn that I don't have any. Patience that is, and I become a nervous wreck letting my mind get the best of me.
I dreamt of my old job again this morning, and many emotions came to the forefront once I woke up. Once again I felt sad and alone, cheated, and discouraged. I wondered about the future, how will I survive? How will I make ends meet? What does my wife think of me? Have I failed her and my family and myself? I swear I try....I don't want to give up, yet I do think of giving up from time to time. All this effort....for nothing.
Though my wife lay down next to me, sleeping peacufully, I could not help the tears forming in my eyes of being scared of the future. I wanted to feel her touch, to just let me know she was there and everything was okay, but she had to get up early herself and go to work.
I tried to share my thoughts with her, to let her know I needed prayer today, that I needed affirmation I was trying and all was going to be okay. Instead I got: "You have no pateince." Something I am quite aware of and don't need reminding of. Instead of getting comfort, I was reminded of my short commings and doing my best to internalize my feelings and pull myself together. As I am trying to do write now as I type out this entry.
I pray that God has a wonderful plan for me for the future, that someday I can look back on this dark time and rejoice that He has made it better and He saw me through all this. Funny how I claim to have faith the He will, but at the same time I don't hold my breath as yet another tear rolls down my face and I hide myself from my current co-workers.
March 06, 2007
Broken and Blessed