A young mans struggle and perspective on his life and his faith. Reconnecting and rediscovering God's special plan in the face of personal solitude, depression, and your typical Monday mornings.
January 31, 2007
Surprised with my anger under the surface
Before I step into my therapists office, I always have this mental ritual I go through: I pretend and prepare for a 'dry-run' of our conversation, and I try and go in as relaxed as I can be and try to empty my thoughts and go in very open minded.
In reality, this never really has worked once.
Usually within 10 minutes I find myself getting agitated and by the time our session is over I am amazed on the thoughts pounding through my head.
Yesterday I was a bit more agitated that usual. A lot had to do with my therapists surroundings to begin with. I don't particularly like cats, and she has two in which when I walk in I always smell the distinct aroma of cat pee. I also think of their shedding hair on my clothes. Plus there are other disctractions that generally get to me. Like yesterday, her phone went off at least 4 times during our session, and I found my train of thought derailed at every ring.
My emotions were scattered. I went to being intense, and frsutrated and angry to very sad and crying. I play back the things I said in my brain over and over, and I realize that under the surface, I am an angry person. I am a bitter person. I am an unhappy person. I usually contain these emotions and feeling as best as I can, because I hate crying and I hate feeling this way. I do not wish to cause any harm to any person including myself, but I have yet to find the mechanism for release.
My prayers still feel unanswered. Am I mad at God? I'm not sure...the more I sit and think logically about this, the more I am convinced that the enemy is engaging in spiritual warfare against me. Satan knows that I am trying my hardest to be a better Christian, yet he allows for temptations to barrage me constantly. He wants me to believe I am inadequate as a male, that I cannot burden God with my problems because I am not worthy, and that I am an emotional failure. He constantly goads me into thinking I am not strong enough, and there are easier solutions like 'giving up', or straying away from the Church.
And sometimes I am sad to admit that he wins some battles.
But not the war.
You see, when I am down and out, I have to remind myself (which in the heat of the moment, we all forget) to give glory to God and ask for Christ's deliverence and pray for peace. But I don't. Instead my emotions get the better of me, and when I get on a roll, watch out. I do feel life in unfair, and I do occasionally feel insecure with my salvation, and that the secular world is out to get me.
As my male acquaintence told me last week: "I must be completely broken and submit 100% in order for God to build me back up." I understand what he means, but I haven't yet complied or feel I am in total agreement. Maybe thats my problem to begin with.
January 30, 2007
Enjoy the Silence

Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Cant you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Enjoy the silence
Depeche Mode (or as some joke 'Depressed Mode') is one of my favorite bands. Ever.
It's just something about their lyrics that always seem to hit me directly in the heart. One of the few bands that affect me beyond just their sound, but affect me emotionally and seem to speak directly to me, and about me. I hope this doesn't sound to cliche or artsy, but they 'get me'.
I heard this song again the other day, and all I could think of over and over again was to 'Enjoy the Silence'.
Oh, how I long on days for the 'silence'.
That seems to be an oxymoron to me however. I enjoy people, and I don't want to live life as a loner, or to die alone. But I do enjoy more and more frequent episodes of being alone or 'silent' I suppose. People often irritate me, and I'm not sure why. Again...I feel that certain days demand too much of me and all I care or really want is to be isolated and removed from society as a whole. I'm not sure if that just for a half hour, maybe a day, a week, or even longer. Just peace and quiet. No words. No demands. No expectations. No schedules. No responsibility.
January 26, 2007
What a difference a week makes
The result: Sunday I broke down. I cried and I cried and I cried. Again, married, with family and friends yet feeling all alone on this big blue marble.
This past week was pretty mundane, though there was some excitement at work yesterday that kept us all busy enough to focus my thoughst on getting the job done and service restored for affected employees. It's when these high stress situation occur, I can look back and realize that all other thoughts and disctrastions are non-existant. Here is where I excel and almost grateful at times. Not that I like stressful situation perse, but the fact is all other bull is not in my mind or heart right then and there.
I woke up this morning realizing I have not taken my 'meds' for almost two weeks. Generally I feel 'okay', but I do have moments dashed with paigns of guilt for not taking them....Like what if I do snap? Am I to blame then because I chose not to take my meds?
The morning started off well enough....I had a nice cup (or two) of 'real' coffee, but unfortunately it didn't last too long. Sometimes I honestly believe my spouse like to argue just for arguements sake. You can actually take and agree with her own position, yet she somehow still makes you feel as if you have to defend yourself. I'm not exactly sure how she does it, but before you know it, she ends up defneding her own contradictory statements to the fact I'm not even sure what I am arguing about. That exasperates me to no end. I love my wife, dearly, but there are time I can honestly say I'm not sure why she brings things up and I guess I wish at times we didn't talk. Not because I don't want to share or speak with my wife, but because before long, I end up getting worked up and confused on what position she actually takes on anything. She is able to 'straddle' the middle almost seamlessly and push buttons you didn't even know you had.
I eventually give up, and in today's case, I just left the house without saying 'good-bye'. I don't like doing that...at all...but I also know if I stay any longer a 'real' argument will ensue, and it'll generally be about nothing due to the fact my wife will attack an idea and then defend it 20 seconds later to where you end up wanting to hit your head up against a wall in mental submission.
I was a little disheartened with some other Christian Blogs I was reading this morning. I was perusing some for some semblance of inspiration, but instead found embarassment. Their opening entries can be very well constructed and thought out and I generally I agree with them. However their responses to other's secular comments drag them right back down in the dirt, or make these blanket 'over-righteous' statements where I can actually see why some secular or non-believers think all Christians are crazy and intolerant. You have to say more to a person than 'I will pray for you'...it makes us sound indignant to the masses and on a pedestal. Our job as Christians is too spred the Word (at least I believe) through humility, grace, love and compassion as we are all to be judged by God, and we are all fallen to sin and corruption on this Earth. Any intelligence and respect I recognize them for goes out the window when they make ludicrous statements to non-believers....You aren't forwarding the cause, even if you mean well in your heart, you're actually damaging the lot of us.
I'm not 100% positive where this last diatribe is comming from, just an observation today and dissapointment in my spiritual brothers and sisters.
January 22, 2007
Do not Fear

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
I couldn't help it. Yesterday I sat in church, in the back row which I usually do...alone. Not just alone in person, but with my thoughts as well. The Enemy struck hard at my spitritual defenses yesterday, as I had already awoken with stress, little sleep, and mounting frustration. By the time I sat down, my mind was everywhere else but on God. Thoughts of insecurity, anger, running away, and sexual matters (to name just a few) were zooming around in my head like a whirlwind and I could feel the tears wanting to well up within my eyes.
And then, this verse came up on the screen, and finally it felt like a hammer found its target right between my eyes. This was to be my verse for the day, and also a realization of my failings.
I couldn't hold back any longer. I cried and was embarrased....and alone in front of my God....broken. Broken is such a weird way to explain it, but I cannot think of any other right now, and to think that I am broken, at least in the head if not in the spirit, is also disturbing. I wonder often as I am sure so many others do, why God allows for mental anxiety and chemical imbalances to any of his children and creations. Perhaps mine is a mild case, but everyone reacts differently and people all have varying degrees of what they can handle before they snap. I feel that my life this last year has been like a rubber band. Somedays it stretches more so than others, but eventually the elasticity begins to wane, or under great pressure, the rubber band does snap.
Yesterday was the accumulation of the prior weeks stressors, and my personal rubber band was stretched to its limit....I just wanted release. Even in Church, where I look for Peace, I recognize that Satan knows he won the week. My spirit was held together with bubble gum and duct tape. I wanted the easy way out, and my eyes were not on God. I was sitting in my pew, angry at everything and everyone and wanting a drink...an alcohol laced one that is. I also had thoughts of sexual desires....temptations....again to get my mind off of God and take the easy road.
It was then again, I read this verse and it sucked all the wind out of my sails....not that I had much to begin with anyway. I was dismayed, I had no more strength, and I did fear. I feared a lot.
After the service I felt the compulsion to talk to someone. A stranger. For my family and my friends, and even my 'shrink' aren't helping me right now. I spoke with a stranger and recounted the last week...my anger, my frustration, my insecurities, my fear....and I broke down. I bawled as he listened, and then he confided within me...that all men, including himself have had very similar circumstances. Perhaps it was the Enemy, or perhaps God wants my attention...despertly enough...that he wishes me to be fully broken in order for me to finally let go and submit to all the issues of the world, so that He can point out that I can't fix these things without His help. I must be broken completely to be built back up. While I do understand this concept, and it does make sense, I wasn't prepared nor sure if I am even now, that this is the course of action that is planned for me.
If it is...then it sucks.
I am tired of crying. I am tired of fear. I am tired of my anger. I am tired of being tired and tired wondering if my prayers are indeed inadequate and if I am actually letting go. I must submit 100%. 95% isn't enough, nor is 98%. It must be 100% or else I haven't completely submitted or given up control...and thus I cannot survive mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
Jesus,....Lord.....please uphold me with your righteous hand and rebuild me and let your peace comfort me and be an example to others....to use my own story as a testamonial as I do not wish this pain on anyone.
January 19, 2007
A little angry today
- I've been off my anti-depressants for almost a week now.
- My work load has been extremely high lately with a few of my peers not in this week and me picking up much more 'urgent' issues to deal with (which really aren't that urgent, people just think they are the most important thing).
- My spouse and her money issues and attitude towards them, and towards me regarding them.
- Uneasy dreams I've been having lately, whether it be about my old job, or apocolyptic in nature, they border on nightmares and I've had one every day this week.
Yes, I'm tired. This past week it feels like I am not getting enough sleep. I go to bed around 11pm and I wake up a few times during the night only to be up by 6am. I think I am averiging about 5-6 hours of sleep along with the psuedo nightmares. The anti-depressents are expensive and many times I forget to take them. Sometimes I don't want to take them, other times I truly do indeed forget.
My dreams have focused on religious matters as of late as well as work. I have dreamed about the end of the end of the world and the salvation of a close friend of mine (who isn't saved), and other violent tendencies. I dream about my previous place of employment and why I cannot let it go. The more times goes on, and I pray about it, the more I feel I was wronged in the whole situation. I am very puzzled why God allowed me to be removed and not to have replaced it with something better. If this is supposed to be some grand learning plan directed for me regarding faith, I feel as if I want to throw in the towel....I don't want to play this game anymore, nor do I want to be tested any longer. Lord, please hear me, I succumb already!! I call 'uncle'!! Please deliver me to peace already!
My spouse and I are also at odds, regarding financial issues. The burdens don't get any easier and she isn't supporting me or us like I think she should. I believe family matters and responsibilities are the priority whereas my wife has an excuse every other time I ask her to help pay for something. That adds to my stress levels and unfortunately sometimes my resentment to our marriage as well, even though I do love her. I feel as if I can barely support myself emotionally let alone someone else who always seems to have an issue as well.
I'm freaking tired and I want to cry.
January 16, 2007
A day to drink
Well, I'm alone at the office today. One peer is out sick, a second is in training all week, and the 3rd isn't much help to begin with. So of course, today is when all the 'urgent' and 'nutty' issues come out of the woodwork to plague me. I couldn't even enjoy my late lunch without my cell phone ringing to let me know I had to rush back to reset somebody's password.
Funny how everyone think they are the only one with an issue, and theirs is the most important of them all. When someone asks me innocently, "Hey, how you doin'?", I want to be bluntly honest and say "Pretty crappy, thank you. I have a headache, I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I feel like I'm drowning in work."
Like the cliche states...When it rains, it pours.
So I have just under two hours left at work, just to go home and do more chores. Today is literally one of those days where there are not enough hours to get anything worthwhile accomplished.
I try to imagine back in biblical times, thousands of years before the telephone, the business PC, commuter traffic, and modern day inventions how people judged they were having a busy day. They say with invention, our lives are to become easier. I'm not sure I agree with that. All I can think of is how much responsibilty I have now and when do I get to take a personal time out to collect my thoughts. I think sometime technology is more a burden and makes socialization to close and tight at times. If we are able to be contacted anywhere, anytime, how much privacy and free time have we sacrificed?
January 08, 2007
A chance to witness

Saturday I attended a funeral and was very humbled and reflective on a great many of things.
Sunday found a neighbor of mine exclaiming she had a new job that paid upwards of $17K more a year than she was previously making. Though I am happy for her, it also stung a bit my own sense of pride knowing that was the amount of salary cut I took when I started this temporary job when I lost my previous job. I had to wonder if there was some weird irony that God was trying to point out to me....to see if I truly was happy with my circumstances today. Well, in all honesty, they aren't, and it still paigns me.
My dreams consisted of some less than pleasant memories regarding my old place of employment (why can't I let this go?), and I awoke this morning in silence cognoscent of my eventual unemployment again. How I dread looking for yet another job close to home that will pay what I was used to. Yesterday in church I heard of a testimonial that a gentlemen had been close to bankruptcy with a family including 3 children and was out of work for almost 9 months. I am not that bad, but that sense of doom always hangs over me.
A lot was said to me too in Spirit regarding the fact that the past is the past and cannot be changed, but we must strive for the future. A lesson that I have a very hard time applying to myself. I've always thought to learn from your mistakes, use the past as lessons for the future, hence I have such a hard time not using the past as a measuring stick and therefore it emotionally cripples me.
This morning I arrived at my current job place and was faced with an ongoing dilemma. A peer of mine, while seemingly friendly on the outside, has other motivations including one (for whatever reason) to make my life difficult. Everything is like a test to him when it comes to me, and I admit, sometimes the situation get under my skin and can fester at times. Another peer recognizes this and has had his one dealing, far worse actually than mine when it comes to this other person. Probably not meaning anything by it and making for casual conversation he asked me "Well, what do you do with this type of person?"
The door opened. One that I wasn't even looking for this morning.
I was able to share my own personal insights and offered that perhaps this person is in our lives to teach us a lesson, and if it is a lesson not for us, perhaps it is as simple as we pray for him that one day he may may become a better person himself.
My coworker said it seemed like I was religious and wanted to know if I went to church every week. I said I try to go every week. He then offered to me he wasn't that religious. I just went on to say that even Christians have faults. I explained to him that even by me praying and going to church I still have feelings of anger and bitterness at times. I still get mad and frustrated and swear. I told him that I ask God daily to remove certain thoughts from my head and my heart lest I be pharaoh with a hardened heart. But I shared with him, that I don't always get the answer I want, or peace of mind, saying that God is working with me constantly in His time, not mine. Perhaps I will take all this negativity directed towards me, and instead of praying for me to be delivered, that I would pray for the person victimizing me instead.
My coworker said, "Why should I pray for him when I am sure he doesn't pray for me." I tried to explain to him that Christ commands us to 'Love our enemies' and what we invest here on this earth is an investment in the afterlife. It's not about tit for tat, but of forgiveness. Not so much was I a witness to this person, but hearing my own words echoing back to me and pointing out how hard it has been for me to forgive those I felt have done me wrong.
Our conversation didn't last overly long, and there were some more parables I was trying to explain. But in the end I felt a little good. A little good I was able to plant a seed in this mans life and that I got to share my insights on being a Christian and not embarrassed by it.
January 05, 2007
Dealings with death

Earlier this week I wrote about death, and my fasciantion with it and I never really got to the meat of the matter.
I am attending a funeral tomorrow for a 31 year old young man.
He passed unexpectedly a few days after Christmas.
His father is a very important figure in my life, and had many dealings with me over the years on spirituality, and helped me comes to terms with other low points in my life including some early symptoms of depression.
I wish somehow, someway, I could return the favor. The best I can think of right now is to attend the funeral in respect though I didn't know his son very well.
Though I have yet to speak to the family, I have heard through thr grapevine that they are doing as well as can be expected I suppose, but feel comforted that their son is now in paradise, seeing that they are a strong Christian family.
I wish I could say in all honesty that's were all good people go and those that are saved in Christ's name, and feel that comfort. I'm sure thats exactly where this young man is and I have mixed feelings about thsi whole situation. I seem divided on happiness, sadness, and envy.
Of course I am sad for the parents, especially my mentor. Who wants to bury their own child? I'm also bothered that he can't share any further the things we take for granted here on earth...a nice 5 star meal, the next sunset, a good book or movie, the embrace of a lovers touch.
I'm also happy that he passed supposedly quickly, not knowing the horrors of cancer and the emotional turmoil of a terminal prognosis. No more watching the crappy news and see how thsi world is falling apart. No day to day struggles, no more secular competition atteh job place and wondering how the future is going to play out.
I'm also envious. Envious that he knows no more pain and doesn't need to care about the trivial things anymore. He's in the presence of of pure joy and our Creator. He has begun his journey and reward of everlasting love and peace with God, something I cannot even comes to grips with but so desperately want.
I'm crying now, and I'm not sure why. My tears are of pain and lonliness and of envy. Of course I want to live to see the next day, but I also just realized how tired I am of everything again. I can only use 1/10th of my brain now to maybe idealize what paradise may be like and yet I know I cannot even come close.
God does not want us to be said, nor to mourn, but be joyous of life now and for our brothers and sisters in heaven.
I cannot decide how to feel, other than helpless.
January 03, 2007
Tired and looking for a pick-me-up
Anyway, I stared at the TV until at least midnight, woke up every few hours, and finally was up by 6:30am. I figured I averaged maybe 5.5 hours last night of slumber, and I just stared at the alarm clock watching time tick by until the inevitable....getting up out of my cozy bed and going to a job where I am not treated as an equal or have many friends.
A vast difference from my old job where I got along with most everybody. Now it seems I punch in and punch out, and many of the perks and social interactions are now absent in my life. I also feel as if this is a dual edged sword. I miss my friends, some of the excitement, but I also like the 'alone' factor at times and the ability to detach myself more easily. With less friends here, I do find myself more productive and less involved in certain drama, but at times also bored.
I took a long lunch today, and I don't think anybody noticed. Usually it's just an hour long, but I was able to stretch it to about 1.5 hours, maybe a bit more. I enjoyed a nice lunch, able to read, and enjoy a some nice tea.
This morning was unusually busy for me with 'urgent', yet not-really-urgent issues. It was a little hectic, and I was happy to leave for lunch.
Tea is underated. I had a very nice Ice Tea infused rose petals. It had a unique taste; bold and mellow and fresh all at the same time. It was a gourmet tea, and I pretended it 'cleansed' away the toxins of sin and worry and depression from my soul.
I went to Costco thereafter, not sure I was going to buy myself anything. In the end I didn't, but I was tempted to buy a CD or DVD or book or software or some electronic thingy. Then I realized that 'buying' something usually makes me feel happier whether I need it or not. I remember watching various news stories over the years about compulsive shoppers, who buy just to 'buy', for that small does of euphoria that follows. It really isn't materialism I think, not in the bad sense. I'm not sure what it is really, but it seems to release endorphins or seratonin to buy something new.
I didn't want to go back to work thereafter. I was so tempted just to sit in a lounge chair by myself at Costco. To feel the air conditioning on my skin and sit in a comfy chair and not be bothered by anyone, and not to return to work. I imagined myself reading, or playing a game again, my mind detached from the present reality. I imagined sitting at home watching a movie or playing with my dog, or just going to bed. I also imagine have a delicious one-of-a-kind dinner right now. To be caught up in the moment of tasting something so delicious.
I was thinking of when I get depressed, what are the kind of things that pick me up:
- I love strategy games. I usually have to play solo ones or against a computer becuase most of my friends don't like anything to complicated.
- I like to buy little gadgets. Little toys or cool little gizmos.
- I like to experience new cuisines and drinks. Something out of the ordinary to tantalize my taste buds and really savor the flavor and experience.
- I enjoy reading. To be alone lost in a fictious world for a period of time.
- Working with my hands whether it be cooking, wood-working, building or repairing something.
- Learning. I enjoy trivia and like to understand how things work, how they interact, how things are designed and intended to be used, the history behind them.
- Lastly, I'm afraid to admit I like to have a few drinks. They say alcohol is a depressent, and I agree. I usually don't feel to good in the long run after drinking and sometimes it does bring repressed emotions to the surface, some I don't wish to experience. But the taste of a nice micro-brew and it altering effects are indeed desireable at times.
Later today I go to see a 'shrink'. I've been thinking about our little get togther the last two days and I have no idea where I am to start today. It seems today I just don't care about a lot of things. The last time I saw my 'shrink' I cried for a bit, and the time before that I was angry. So, I've been angry then sad, and today indifferent. Isn't the human mind a funny thing?
January 02, 2007
Some thoughts on death (part I)
Personally, I am fascinated by death. Not in a gory way, but probably not in a healthy way either. I recognize that all things must come to an end, and some people come to terms or to peace about it an an early age, others not until old age. Some don't have time to think about it all or even recognize it, such as infants, and yet others are never prepared for it as it may strike at anytime, always believing they have years left when in fact they don't.
Since an early age I was always intrigued about mummification and Egyptology and as I grew I began to understand the separation of life here on this plane and that of which God and Christ promise, yet for as great as it sounds, I'd be lying to say I wasn't scared at times.
Yet at others times I do find an odd 'peace' about death. Many people who are depressed, ill, spiritually corrupt, or given up hope look forward to death and may live their life so recklessly they ensure themselves a quicker death or even contemplate suicide. I'm not 100% convinced that suicide is a mortal sin as defined by Catholicism, ensuring you spend eternity in damnation. I believe God understands our hearts and our mind, and while He may proclaim this is the ultimate act of selfishness, he also loves us like we have yet to experience.
I believe that God loves me and that Jesus forgives me. I believe they want me to show obedience in my time here on earth, and request that that turn my burdens over to them when times get tough. And I am afraid to hurt myself. What if I screw it up? What if I live after all in more pain than I am in now? What if it is indeed a mortal sin that I have not interpreted correctly and thus ensuring a one way ticket to Hades, and eventually hell?
But when times are tough, I do wish it would all end. I'm not sure what I mean by that either in all honesty. There are times I wish I could just fall asleep, if you will, and never again wake up. I get so tired of things in my life. It seems that for every bright spot, there seems to be a few dark spots that weigh me down. And unfortunately it seems as if the dark spots are much more numerous than the bright spots.
So why am I thinking about this today? For one, it's finally 2007 and time for a fresh start and a new outlook. 2006 was miserable. I'm glad its over and I never want to repeat it. If I could I'd try an wipe 2006 from my memory, well at least 95% of it. There were a few good things I suppose, but it seems like I can only count them on one hand.
I saw the hanging of Saddam Hussein today on an internet video. I remember a few years back when Americans were captured by terrorists and they beheaded them. I never saw those, nor do I ever want to. It shames me to even think about others watching those deaths take place the way they did. Yet, I sought out the video of Saddams execution, wondering where exactly he went that instant. Most of us would judge in our hearts that he went immediately to Hades to await final judgment and cast into hell someday, but that all that is to us....a guess. Perhaps Saddam had a change of heart in his last moments. Only God knows that. I found it quite puzzling that some of his last words were 'not to let hate enter your hearts and not to be mad at the occupiers of Iraq because that led to a closed mind'. Was that the ramblings of a mad man who is disillusioned, or did he change his last few days or weeks in this realm?
Oddly I feel indifferent in regards to his execution. However, I was intrigued to know he was alive one second, and the next instant his soul was liberated and was now either in paradise or in torment. And to think of all the other people who every moment of everyday suddenly pass, and find themselves in the same predicament who may not nearly will ever been close to being as cruel as Saddam. Maybe the sheer mistake was not to believe at all...given hundreds if not thousands of chances to accept Christ as the savior.
Are you one of those people?
Am I?