"People change. Priorities shift. You're in charge now. People are counting on you. You have to live up to their expectations."
"Do I? You have no idea how tempted I am just to bolt."
"Why don't you?"
"Because...I can't.....decide....to do it. I see all the options...I want to do all the options....And so I do nothing. Like an object at rest staying at rest."
I was going to write something completely diffrent today, and when I was at lunch I came across this little blurb of dialogue. Instantly it stopped me in my mental tracks. This is exactly how I feel at times.....the strong desire just to bolt....to leave. To disapear into obscurity and re-invent myself somewhere else....in an easier setting. Knowing that no one has to count on me anylonger or live up to both said and unsaid expectations...including my own.
Like the responder above....I too see all the options, but somehow I seems paralyzed to act on any of them. I would like to do everything as well, hoping that one or more decisions may prove fruitful for me deep down inside, but I know this cannot be true. Action is met with reaction. Ying and Yang. The universe tries to balance out all things. To be happy, perhaps I may make some decisions that lead to more unhappiness, and thus.....I too do nothing. Don't want to rock the boat anymore than my psyche can take it.
Another 24 hours have passed.
One more day I shall never relive, to be forgotten in the sands of time.
One day closer to death that is already written.
Eternal peace is 24 hours closer that it was yesterday.
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