I just realized I left two big things out there from almost a month ago and haven't said anything since.
One was in reagrds to me visiting the doctor, and the other was my wife's (and thus mine as well by default) financial issues.
Well, I'll tackle the health one here in this post.
Approx. two weeks ago I had my physical. It went 'okay' and I explained to the doctor some of my 'bleeding' issues below. The doctor took a look at my bum, if you will, and used a device to look a bit 'more closely'. It was a tad uncomfortable, and the doctor didn't see anything out of place or abnormal. Most likely it is brough on by stress, and I'm happy to say I haven't bled in close to two months now.
I've dropped a few pounds since last year. I'm currently 227lbs, down from 236 last year, but of course the doctor would like to see me closer to 200-210 for my height and frame.
My blood work came back pretty much normal, liver looks good, white blood cell count, blah, blah, blah. However, my cholesterol is still a bit high. I'm in the 220 range and so the doctor put me on a perscription of generic Lipitor and I need to go back in two months. I still contend I eat somewhat healthier than the average person, and while I don't workout as much as I used to, I still am a bit more active than the average person.
It must be genetics, because as I explained to the doctor I can't even remember the last time I had shrimp, lobster, eggs, or whole milk. I use egg substitute, drink 1% milk if and when I actually drink milk, and really cut back on the buffalo wings (a personal favorite I crave).
Doctor told me to get my heart rate up when I exercise (i.e. fast walking or bike riding instead of weight lifting), eat much more fish and veggies, and cut back on red meats. So these last two weeks I have done just that. I've been eating a higher fiber cereal, cutting back on any cheese (not eliminating, but cutting back), having tuna and more fish, and steamed veggies with Smart Balance butter. I may start taking fish oil tablets as well. I also rode the bike at the gym this last weekend and will do so again this weekend as well.
Anyway, I go back in two months to see if I improved.
As far as the Happy Pills go, I'm on a new regime of 'Citropram'(?), basically a Lexapro substitute. I started off on 20mg, and now am down to 10mg a day. They usually say it takes at least 2-3 weeks for your body to adjust, but I could tell in just one week. I do feel more 'even keel' and I know this stuff works. My mood swings are much more controlled that before and I haven't had a 'crying' fit since. The only side effect: sexual. How do I say this in the best decorum(?): I can still get aroused, there is no issue there at all.....but it's hard for me to achieve a 'finished state' which can be a bit frustrating for both of us, but probably moreso for myself. I get right to the 'edge', and then stay there until I'm too tired or sore to continue, and thus I'm the one that feels a bit cheated in the end.
Next: financials