I don't know why I haven't been back to post as of late. I atcually noted a draft I had of an entry back in mid-December that I never finished. Not sure I can now anyway as much of my entries are what I'm feeling in the moment like right now.
So what's been up the last three months? Well, there have been some highs, and some lows, but I suppose I could say I've just been feeling average. My ste-daughter and my wife go at it at least once a week and I had to step in last week to play referee at one point. As much as my step-daughter was in the wrong, I took note that my wife unfortunately despite all her good qualities, also seems to thrive on conflict.
Although I wish our household to be one happy domicile and I really try my best, I can now see that as long as my wife is uneasy in the spirit, most of those people she comes into contact with she will eventually have an altercation with. I feel bad for saying this, but there are moments I'm glad she's off arguing with someone else for a change. Now again, I wish it didn't happen at all, but until my wife breaks down and recognizes (like I had to myself) that she isn't really in control or can fix everything AND recognize that the Lord our God is soveriegn in all things she's gonna have a rough time.
Like me.
Now I recognize that I still have my moments of doubt and despiar and confusion, but at least for now the thoughts of suicide are no longer there. I also recognize that my brain chemistry is off, maybe not as bad as it was, but the on again, off again medication helps me 're-calibrate'. I've been off the pills for a bit now, but started again today. Why? Well, I've been under some stress again lately, feelings of being anxious, a bit of insomnia, and some feelings of anger and frustration are present. But now when I start to recognize a few of these symptoms, I can try and nip it early on instead of waiting it out and seeing if I can fix it myself.
Not to many other things have changed. We're still seemingly living paycheck to paycheck right now and that bothers me a lot. Especially since I had to ask my grandfather for a small loan the otehr day to help pay for an unexpected bill. I can't believe I'm almost 40 and for the first time ever, I had to ask for some help. We've really put a clamp down on us for the most part and its starting to ffect us at home too. I'm tired of soup and cereal for lunches and dinners. I'm tired of having to turn down invitation with friends for a night out because we can't afford it. Doesn't help we have an extra person now living at home as well who can't seem to find a job either. So yeah it's been more stressful than normal.
I'm going on a business trip tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it at all. It's been just shy of six years since I've been on a plane and I'm a bit nervous to say the least. I'm off to Atlanta, and it's supposed to be raining the whole time I'm there. I'm trying not to get too worked up, but I had a nightmare about it last night. Not good.
Hopefully when I get back, I'm going to have to look into getting a second temporary job. I need to work a few weekends here and there to get some extra money to pay the bills just to keep my mind sane from this living paycheck to paycheck thing. I need only a few hundred to feel as if head is above water, and not just my nose. I don't know how many cup-of-soup's or bowls of Special K I can handle anymore. I even had to cash out a few days of vacation (days I will not have off) just so I could pay our taxes. CA has one of the highest taxed states in the nation, and the state is bankrupt too if you haven't heard.
It's my 40th birthday next week. I'm not getting my hopes up. I don't think my wife has planned anything at all. We have no money, but that's not stopping her from having a Girls Night Out this upcoming friday. I don't know how she's paying for it nor am I sure I want to know. It'll be interesting to see how I react or how she will if I am told there is no birthday gift due to financial issues, but have enough money for Girls Night Out. Its for this reason I'm actually not looking forward to my birthday....not that I will be 40 years old,...but to see where I am on the priority list in my marriage and relationship compared to friends.
Do I sound like a whiner? Yeah, I suppose I do. What else is new?
Hopefully it won't be as long until my next entry.